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Hazel, along with Tory and Robby, finds herself in the back room of the dojo. After the last person leaves, she closes the door and looks at her friends with a serious expression. Robby jokes, "Did you kill someone?"

Hazel shoots him a look, her eyes saying, "Worse." Then, with a sigh, she admits, "I had sex with Eli."

Tory's eyes widen in shock, "You had sex with Hawk!?" she repeats Hazel's words a little too loudly. Hazel immediately hushes her, panicked that Kreese might have heard them.

"Shh, keep it down!" Hazel hisses. "Kreese could be lurking around."

Robby reassures her, "Relax, Kreese left. Now, spill it. What happened?"

Hazel runs a hand through her hair, feeling embarrassed. "It was just... I don't know. I couldn't resist. He showed up at my place, talking about Cobra Kai and how bad it is for me."

Tory raises an eyebrow. "And?"

"And then he said Robby isn't good for me," Hazel continues, her voice tinged with frustration. "He accused him of using me to get back at Miguel."

Robby's expression darkens. "That's not true."

"I know, right?" Hazel nods vigorously. "So, I laughed. I laughed so hard. I told him I'm not dating Robby and never will."

Tory looks at her incredulously. "You didn't."

Hazel nods sheepishly. "Yeah, I did. And then... I don't know. It just happened. We ended up in my bed having sex.."

Robby chuckles, remembering when she told him a similar story last time when he was in Juvie. "Every argument in your house with you two ends with you two having sex. I'm surprised you two had the decency to do it on a bed this time."

Hazel gives him a playful shove widening her eyes out of embarrassment. "Shut up, Robby. It isn't funny i don't know what to do"

Tory shakes her head, still processing. "Wow, Hawks got some nerve."

"Yeah, but it's not like that," Hazel says quickly. "I mean, I still hate him."

Robby raises an eyebrow. "Do you?"

Hazel's expression softens for a moment, but then she shakes her head firmly. "Yes, I do. I mean... maybe. But I shouldn't. He's... complicated."

Tory pats her shoulder reassuringly. "Well, let's just hope Kreese didn't hear any of this."

Hazel nods, feeling a knot of worry in her stomach. "Yeah, let's hope."

"Tory's right," Robby chimes in, his tone serious. "You need to let go of this attachment to Eli. It's not healthy."

Hazel looks between them, a mix of frustration and uncertainty on her face. "I know, but... it's not that simple."

Tory places a hand on Hazel's shoulder. "If you want to move on, he needs to move on too. He can't keep showing up and messing with your head."

Hazel nods slowly, understanding the logic but still unsure of how to proceed. "Okay, but how do we do that?"

Tory looks at her with determination. "Leave it to me. I'll take care of it. We have to get back at him for what he did to Kenny anyway."

Hazel raises an eyebrow, skeptical. "And how exactly are you going to do that?"

Tory smirks, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I have my ways. Just trust me."

Hazel sighs, feeling a mix of apprehension and curiosity. "Okay, fine. But please, don't do anything crazy."

Tory grins. "No promises."

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