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It's the day of the All Valley Tournament, and Hazel is at home, meticulously prepping herself. The air is thick with anticipation and nerves as she tightens her gi, her mind focused on the upcoming matches.

A sudden knock on the door startles her. She glances at the clock and then walks over to open it. Standing there is her brother, Miguel, his expression a mix of concern and support.

"Hey," he begins, his voice gentle. "I just wanted to say, no matter what happens today, I still love you. And I really hope you win the girls' title."

Miguel turns to walk away, knowing that Hazel rarely answers him in these moments, but Hazel stops him. "Wait," she calls out, her voice trembling. Tears well up in her eyes as she looks at him. "You're such an idiot."

Miguel turns back, confused and a bit hurt. "I'm sorry, I was just trying to make things right."

Hazel shakes her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. "No, you're an idiot because it took you so long."

Miguel's face softens as he begins to cry too. "I always cared about you, Hazel. You're my fucking sister, i love you. I thought you knew that."

They move towards each other and hug tightly, the weight of unspoken words and emotions finally lifting. In that moment, they find solace and strength in each other, ready to face whatever challenges the day might bring.


The first few rounds went well for Hazel. Determined not to get distracted, she imposed a strict rule that no one, not even her friends, should speak to her between fights. She was focused, ready, and in the zone. When she saw Eli with the Miyagi-Do team, she felt a twinge of surprise. She hadn't expected it, but she was genuinely happy for him.

As the tournament progressed, the tension in the air grew thicker. When the quarter-finals for both boys and girls were announced, Hazel stood proudly, right next to Eli. She glanced around and saw familiar faces: Robby, Miguel, Tory, Sam, Demetri, and, most importantly, Eli. They had all made it this far, and the competition promised more fun and drama.

She won against the girl from Eagle Fang, Devon. Devon was impressive for having joined so recently, but Hazel'a experience gave her the edge.

Standing next to Robby, Hazel watched as Daniel LaRusso approached them, his expression stern.

"You wanted to beat Miyagi-Do so badly you gave Cobra Kai all of our secrets," Daniel said, his voice heavy with disappointment.

Robby met his gaze without flinching. "The goal is to win. I did what I had to do."

Daniel shook his head, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and frustration. "If all you care about is winning, you didn't learn anything I taught you."

Hazel stepped forward, her voice firm. "Everybody thinks their way is the only way. You, his dad, Cobra Kai. Truth is, it doesn't matter which way you fight as long as it works."

Daniel looked at her, his expression softening slightly. "And I'll use whatever it takes to win. Why? To get back at your mom? Miguel? Eli?" He looks at the blonde guy. "and you, Robby? Your dad? Me? Sam? The world? If that's the case, I have another Miyagi-Do secret that you can slip to your friends. Never put passion in front of principle. Because even if you win, you lose."

Hazel felt the weight of his words settle over her. She glanced at Robby, who seemed equally affected. Daniel's message was clear, and it echoed through her mind as the competition continued.

Lost in her thoughts, Hazel barely listened to the announcer until she heard, "The boys will go first, followed by the girls." As the announcement concluded, Kyler walked past Eli, making a snide remark about his lip. Hazel rolled her eyes, feeling a surge of irritation. Eli didn't need his confidence undermined, even if she pretended to hate him.

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