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‼️SMUT (+18)

Eli was an amazing boyfriend. He respected Hazel's boundaries and only wanted her to feel safe with him. The two of them hadn't even brought up the topic of sex despite being together for a few months now. Lately however, Hazel had been thinking of it quite a lot. It didn't help that every time he got back from karate lessons all sweaty it made her... horny.

Hazel squirmed against Eli's bed as she was listened to him talk about some 'wonderful idea' he had come up with, dying his hair red. Frankly Hazel couldn't pay attention as her eyes wandered his bare chest and her nervous thoughts arose again. Did she want to ask? Was he afraid of doing anything since he's inexperienced? Hazel didn't know.

"Princess, are you even listening?" Eli laughed as he turned to face her, throwing his dirty clothes in his hamper. She shook her head and smiled.

"Yeah Eli, sorry. Just got a bit... distracted."

Eli's eyebrow raised as he walked closer, his hand rubbing up and down her arm.

"Is something wrong? Do I need to beat up someone?"

Hazel couldn't help but snort at the last part.

"No Eli. Nothing bad."

"Then what was it dear? Just admiring your handsome, amazing, hot boyfriend?" Eli teased as he struck a pose. Hazel rolled her eyes as she held back her true answer.

"Oh of course. Don't forget humble too."

"Oh yes. I am quite humble aren't I?" Eli grinned as he leaned in to steal a quick kiss. Hazel's hands tangled against his locks and he groaned against her lips. The kiss became more heated, both of them lying against his bed as their tongues brushed past eachother. Eli, ever so respectful, kept his hands on her arms. As much as Hazel felt honored by his movements she couldn't help but get a little annoyed. Did he not want her? No.. she was just overthinking.

Eli moved back, brushing his hand against her cheek.

"Princess, something is bothering you. You might as well tell me. Then neither of us have to worry."

Hazel  bit her lip as she thought about how to word it. Her stomach churned at the thought of embarrassment and how he would respond. She knew him better than to expect something bad but it still was.. nerve racking.

"Well.. I just. Do you ever think about sex?" Hazel blurted out and automatically wanted to smack herself. Way to be subtle..

Eli's  smile turned into a smirk, his hands dusting her shoulders.

"Is someone being needy? Is that what's wrong?"

Hazel could feel her face burn as she looked anywhere but him. Eli's  hand rubbed on her cheeks redirecting her eyes back to his.

"You don't need to be nervous, princess. It's a normal thing. If I was wrong you can tell me. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Eli's  voice was calm, his eyes softening with affection. Hazel couldn't help but feel the urge grow stronger at his care.

"I-I.. You're right. I am just really nervous."

"About what?" Eli placed a few smooches against her jaw as he worked his hand down her arm.

"I know you've never done this... Maybe you don't want me to be your first time."

Eli's  smile grew larger at her words as he pulled her closer, he couldn't believe how much she was overthinking.

"You think i don't want it to be with you? I would be honoured. I'll be gentle if this is what you want.."

"Please, i'm the one who has to be careful."Hazel couldn't help but smile and Eli took it as a sign to move. His lips pressed into hers again, starting the kiss out slow. Hazel need overpowered his soft urges and she deepened the kiss, her hands roaming down his chest.

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