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The next day, Hazel walked into the dojo and saw Robby rolling up his sleeping bag, hearing her and Kreese. Robby stepped out of the back room, watching. Kreese glanced over at him. "He rises."

"Hey," Hazel smiled at him, and Robby smiled back.

Robby finished crossing the distance to him. "Sorry you had to sleep on the floor," he told the younger boy. "Slept in rougher places," Robby shrugged.

"Likewise. If you want some coffee, it's not great, but it's hot," Kreese gestured. Hazel shook her head. Robby glanced over before looking back at him. "Thanks for letting me crash here. It was just for the night."

Kreese nodded. "You stay as long as you like. Both of you. Come here. Maybe you'll learn something." He brought Robby in front of the punching dummy.

The door chimed as it opened, and students walked in. "This is called the Cobra strike, it consists of two moves, the lunge and the bite," Kreese said, about to demonstrate.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" Eli asked angrily as he walked in. Robby turned around to look at him, as did Kreese. Kreese pointed at Eli, making him stop. "Hold on there, Mr. Keene and Miss Diaz are our guests."

Robby looked from Kreese to Eli, and Hazel just stared at her ex-boyfriend. Eli's hard look softened when he fixated his gaze on Hazel. Tory walked over and gave Robby a slight nod and a look to Hazel.

Robby was folding his clothes when Tory walked over. "Quitting already?" She asked, looking at both of them.

"None of your business," Hazel shrugged, and Tory rolled her eyes.

Robby looked at her. "Never joined in the first place. We don't belong here."

"Oh, so you're running away?" Tory said with a disappointed nod of her head. "That worked out for you well last time."

Robby stood up, looking at the girl. "I'm not running away."

"I hated you for what happened to Miguel, you know. I hated Sam LaRusso. I hated everyone. I hated myself the most. I didn't have the luxury of running away. Sensei Kreese taught me that if you take all that hate and you channel it.." Tory looked at Hazel, then turned to the punching bag, kicking it twice before punching it.

"It makes you stronger and it feels good. Listen, a bunch of us are getting together after class. You should come. Both of you," she looked at Hazel with an expression that showed remorse for what had happened.

"Or you could run away again," Tory said as she walked out back to the dojo.

Robby glanced at Hazel. "What do you think?" He looked at her in the eyes after he sighed.

Hazel thought about it for a second. "I say I'm done being the victim." Hazel looked at him determined, and Robby nodded slowly, agreeing with her.

"Somebody took their sweet ass time," Tory remarked when she saw Hazel and Robby. "You invited them?" Eli asked, narrowing his eyes. Tory looked at Eli, unfazed. "I did. Why? You got a problem with that?"

"You're here after what she did to you?" Eli asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "I don't act about what she did. She wasn't my boyfriend," Hazel spat before walking next to Robby.

Kyler reached over and grabbed two cans of beer. "Here you go," he held it to them. "I'm good," Robby declined with a shake of his head. "I'll take it," Hazel grabbed one and drank it all in a matter of seconds.

Eli huffed a small laugh. "What, you can't handle a sip of beer?" he asked, making the others around them laugh. "No, I just don't need to drink to pretend to be cool," Robby said without missing a beat.

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