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Johnny held targets in his hands as Miguel and Hazel took turns kicking and hitting them with all their might. "What's the second way of the first?" Johnny quizzed them.

"Strike hard," they responded in unison, a bit breathless from their exertions. "That's right. The only reason to hit someone is to inflict pain. Striking hard means giving it all you've got," Johnny affirmed, nodding in approval.

The door creaked open just as Miguel was about to launch another kick, prompting Johnny to lower the targets. "No yoga until five. No matter how badly you need it," Johnny announced.

Aisha entered the room, her voice barely above a whisper. "Actually, I came here for karate," she confessed timidly.

"Aisha!" Hazel exclaimed, her face lighting up with a smile as she greeted her friend.

"I saw your website, and it said there was a session today," Aisha explained, waving at Hazel.

Johnny's expression turned stern. "I'm sorry, but there are no girls in Cobra Kai," he stated firmly, sending a surge of anger through Hazel.

"What do you think I am? Johnny, don't make me angry, because I swear—" Hazel began, her voice laced with fury, but Miguel interjected.

"You've demonstrated me that you're a woman, Diaz. Besides, I didn't really have any choice," Johnny muttered under his breath. "But I'm not accepting any female students anymore."

Aisha looked puzzled. "Why not?" she inquired.

"The same reason there aren't women in the army. It doesn't make sense," Johnny replied bluntly.

Miguel sighed, then addressed Johnny. "Sensei, there's something I need to show you in the office," he stated, and the two of them departed, bowing respectfully as they left the main room.

As they caught up, Hazel decided to join the conversation. "So are you saying it's genetic? Her love of Twinkies comes from her dad?" Johnny remarked, leaning forward with a hint of sarcasm.

"No, I'm saying her family is loaded, and she's a paying customer. You need the money, right?" Miguel explained, his tone serious.

"Plus, if you don't accept female students, then you'll have only one student from now on. I won't accept any sexism from a guy like you," Hazel chimed in defiantly.

Johnny glanced at them before reentering the main room.

Johnny and Aisha engaged in a conversation about the anonymous emails she had been receiving, during which Johnny referred to the senders as "pussies." Hazel wholeheartedly agreed with them.

"Okay, Miss Robinson, let's see what you've got," Johnny said, gesturing for Aisha and Miguel to face each other. Hazel watched intently as they followed Johnny's instructions to bow to each other.

"I don't think this is right," Miguel murmured to Johnny, his voice barely audible.

"What?" Johnny replied, looking at him quizzically. "She's a girl." Miguel said

"You said women were equal to men." Johnny reminded him.

"I did say that, but not like that. I think it would be better if Hazel fights her," Miguel suggested, as Hazel shook her head disappointed of her brother.

"No, then show her women are equal and give her everything you've got. Plus Miss Diaz is stronger than you." Johnny declared, his hands on his hips. "Wait, I just want to remind everyone it's my first day," Aisha interjected nervously.

"Your enemies don't care what day it is. You just have to conquer your fear and jump face-first into the fire," Johnny advised her, his voice firm and unwavering.

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