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When Hazel arrived at the dojo, she found a crowd gathered around, watching the video of the cafeteria brawl with rapt attention. "Hey, losers!" she called out cheerfully as she spotted Eli and Demetri among the onlookers. "Glad to see you two here!" Her excitement was palpable as she bounded over to hug Eli first, lingering a moment longer than necessary before giving Demetri a quick hug to avoid any awkwardness.

Johnny attempted to start the class, but his words were lost in the chatter until he raised his voice to silence the room. "Quiet!" he barked, commanding everyone's attention. "Face front!"

The students scrambled to arrange themselves, with Hazel, Miguel and Aisha taking their place at the front of the group. Johnny prowled through the rows, eyeing each student with a predatory intensity. He made a sarcastic comment about Demetri's shirt, which sailed right over the boy's head, much to Hazel's amusement.

As Johnny moved down the line, instructing the students in fighting positions, Hazel couldn't help but worry about Eli. She hoped Johnny wouldn't single him out, knowing how fragile his confidence could be.

But her hopes were dashed when Johnny's gaze landed on Eli. "Hey, lip," he called out, causing Eli to shrink back. Hazel clenched her fists, feeling her anger rising at the derogatory remark. She shot Eli a reassuring look, silently promising to have his back if things got out of hand.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lawrence," Demetri began, but his words were promptly corrected by Aisha. "Sensei Lawrence," she interjected firmly, directing her gaze back at him with unwavering determination. Demetri hesitated before continuing, addressing Johnny directly. "You shouldn't make fun of someone's physical appearance," he asserted, glancing back at Johnny for confirmation.

Johnny's smirk widened at the challenge. "Oh, really?" he retorted, his tone laced with sarcasm. "So I'm not supposed to mention his lip at all?" Demetri's confusion was evident as he struggled to comprehend the situation. "Well, yeah," he affirmed tentatively.

"Please, Demetri, just... shut up," Hazel murmured under her breath, her frustration mounting. She appreciated his attempt to defend Eli, but she feared he was only exacerbating the situation.

"That might be what they teach you in school, but in the real world, you can't expect people to play by the rules," Johnny lectured, his voice dripping with cynicism. "You hear that, lip? If you can't handle someone making fun of you, how are you going to handle an elbow to the teeth?"

Hazel couldn't help but acknowledge the harsh truth in Johnny's words. In the unforgiving world beyond the dojo, people wouldn't hesitate to exploit any weakness they perceived.

Demetri, however, chose to respond in his usual verbose manner, veering off into tangents about Nazis and dubious contractual agreements. Hazel almost winced as she watched Johnny approach him, a sense of foreboding settling over her.

As Johnny closed in on Demetri, the other students instinctively formed a wide circle around them, leaving ample space for the impending confrontation. "You done? Strike me," Johnny challenged, pointing to his nose with a mocking grin. "Go ahead, strike me right here."

Demetri hesitated, but ultimately assumed a fighting stance, his frustration palpable. He lunged forward with a punch, but Johnny effortlessly deflected it with a swift movement. "Harder," Johnny demanded, his tone mocking. Demetri gritted his teeth and attempted another punch, only to be swiftly flipped onto his back with surprising force.

As Demetri lay sprawled on the floor, Johnny stood tall, addressing the rest of the students with a pointed finger. "Let that be a lesson to all of you," he declared, his words ringing out with a weighty significance.

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