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The next day, Hazel stood alongside Eli, Bert, and Aisha in the dojo, a pensive expression on Eli's face. "What do you think, Shit-head one and Shit-head two?" he quipped.

"I was thinking more along the lines of Mary-Kate and Ass-hat," Aisha retorted, eliciting a laugh from Eli.

"I was thinking knucklehead and chucklehead," Hazel chimed in before sidling up to Eli, placing his hands on her waist.

Before Chris could respond, Eli cut in sharply, "Did I say you could talk?" His voice reverberated through the room, causing Hazel to flinch involuntarily. Eli frowned, not used to her reacting that way around him.

Miguel intervened with a smile, trying to ease the tension. "Guys, they're just messing with you," he reassured, his tone warm and friendly. "Thanks, man," Chris responded, shaking hands with Miguel. "Plus, everyone knows your names are Ass-face and Douchebag," Miguel added with a grin, prompting laughter from Eli and Hazel. Mitch leaned toward Chris, whispering, "Dibs on Ass-face."

As the door chimed, signaling the arrival of someone new, John Kreese, the original Sensei of Cobra Kai, strode into the dojo, his gaze sweeping over the students with a hint of disappointment and disapproval.

"Who's he?" Eli inquired, eyeing Kreese warily. Miguel shrugged in response. "I don't know." Hazel took a step forward, addressing Kreese directly. "Can I help you with something, sir?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kreese regarded her briefly before shaking his head. "No. But I can help you," he replied cryptically. Just then, Johnny emerged from the back room, his voice cutting through the tension.

"Uh, Sensei..." Miguel gestured toward Kreese. Johnny approached the two men, his tone low. "What the hell's wrong with you? I said tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, today. Who can keep track?" Kreese retorted, prompting a resigned sigh from Johnny.

It's safe to say that the lesson didn't go as planned for Johnny. While the students goofed off, making silly dabs, Hazel remained apprehensive, fearing any misstep might sour Johnny's mood.

"Quiet!" Johnny's voice boomed, instantly silencing the class.

"5:00 am tomorrow morning. Corner of Fulton and Raymer. You don't show, you're off the team. Class dismissed," Johnny barked before storming into the back room, clearly frustrated.

As Hazel stood there, Kreese approached her. "Miss Diaz," he began, eyeing her intently. "I couldn't help but notice your composure." Hazel met his gaze, waiting for him to continue. He simply nodded. "What a waste of talent you are," he remarked casually before following Johnny.

Hazel's heart sank. Was it because of their loss in the semifinals, or was it because of her gender? Either way, she vowed not to let anyone, especially Kreese, speak to her like that again. It was time for her to toughen up. No mercy.


At 5:00 am, the Cobra Kai students were knee-deep in mixing cement. Bags were being passed down the line, while Aisha diligently stirred the mixture with a shovel. "Don't add too much water; you want it nice and thick," Johnny instructed.

Johnny observed from the sidelines as the students toiled away. "Sensei, why are we mixing cement?" Miguel panted, his breath visible in the chilly morning air as he worked in a different wheelbarrow from Aisha. "No questions," Johnny replied sternly. "Just do it."

"Miss Diaz, perfect mixing!" Johnny's voice cut through the sound of shovels and bags. He approached Hazel, a nod of approval on his face. "I must say, I'm satisfied with your work today."

Joining Kreese, Johnny explained his rationale. "Their muscles may ache, but if we want to toughen them up, we have to give them something to fear. No one's afraid of a little cement," Kreese remarked, his tone calculated.

Hazel couldn't shake the feeling that Kreese was manipulating Johnny, but if it meant victory, she was willing to play along. As long as it served her goals, she was ready to do whatever it took.

"They will be," Johnny declared with determination.

The honking of a horn interrupted their conversation, drawing everyone's attention to a cement mixing truck pulling into the area. Kreese exchanged a glance with Johnny as the truck driver approached, handing Johnny the keys before walking away. Confusion rippled through the students, and Hazel couldn't help but feel a tinge of worry.

Johnny stood before the truck, his students encircling him. "You think winning the All Valley gives you the right to goof off?" he demanded, hands on his hips.

"Well, I've got news for you. Winning one championship doesn't mean squat," he began, pacing in front of them. "A true champion never stops training. You keep moving, or you get stuck right where you are. It's just like the cement in this truck. If that drum doesn't start moving, the cement will harden and get stuck. Is that what you want to happen to you?" He paused, waiting for their response.

"No, Sensei!" came the unified reply. "Good. Then climb up, get inside, and make it spin," Johnny commanded, pointing to the drum. Aisha spoke up, "Sensei, we're sorry for messing around," just as Hazel simply said, "Okay," her gaze fixed on Johnny and Kreese, who looked at her with a sense of pride.

"We've learned our lesson," Eli chimed in, trying to divert attention from his girlfriend. Johnny lowered the ladder with a loud clang. "Get in!" he ordered, his tone firm. Hazel began to move, but Miguel stopped her.

"Sensei, this seems kinda dangerous. I mean, the fumes alone..." Miguel started, only to be cut off by Kreese's booming voice. "Quiet!"

"This man led you to the mountain, and you question him? Look at you. Look at all of you. I can't believe this pathetic pack of pussies made it to the All Valley," Kreese sneered, addressing the group. "And won. It's an absolute miracle. And who made that miracle?" He gestured to Johnny. "Johnny Lawrence. The best student in the history of Cobra Kai. My student."

Eli looked amazed. "You were Sensei's Sensei?" he asked, awe in his voice. "You better believe it. And I'll tell ya, I've never trained a tougher student in my whole life," Kreese boasted, glancing at Johnny. "So if you know what's good for you, you better listen to every goddamn word he says."

Hazel stepped forward, her head held high. "I'll do it, Sensei," she declared, her determination palpable. Miguel walked beside her toward the ladder, receiving a reassuring pat from Johnny as they passed.

One by one, they climbed into the drum, with Miguel remarking, "Holy shit," as he looked around in awe. Hazel cautiously stepped in, followed by Eli, nearly slipping but regaining his balance.

"This is weird," Miguel observed as the others joined them. Johnny urged them to start pushing against the walls. "Come on, push!" he called out from outside.

Hazel exerted all her strength, determined to make a difference. "Come on, don't just stand there," Eli strained as he pushed alongside her. Slowly, the drum started to move.

"There we go! A little bit faster!" Johnny encouraged them from outside. The drum picked up speed, and the students cheered as they worked together to keep it moving.

Finally, they emerged from the drum, Johnny spraying them off with a hose. "You should all be proud of yourselves. I know I'm proud, especially you, Miss Diaz, for offering to go in first," Johnny praised, his gaze resting on Hazel, who beamed with pride.

"Your parents would be proud too, if you told them what we did here today, which we won't," Johnny added with a grin. "You pushed forward like champions. Never stopping, never satisfied, never giving up. And if you keep going and keep pushing, you're going to go places you've never even dreamed of," he concluded, looking directly at Miguel and Hazel, who exchanged smiles and nods with their Sensei.


Later that day, the twins' mother, Carmen, instructed them to take some food to Johnny. Miguel entered the room, followed by Hazel, calling out Johnny's name. Hazel pointed out that he might not be there. Miguel agreed and suggested they just put the food in the fridge. He walked over, opened the fridge, and placed the food inside. As he closed the door, he noticed a picture and picked it up, studying it with a frown. "Is that Robby?" Hazel asked, noticing Miguel's expression.

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