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In the end, Miguel managed to secure the money from Johnny, a gesture he initially wanted to keep under wraps. However, his plans for secrecy were quickly thwarted when he turned around to find all the Diaz women of the family standing behind him, their expectant gazes urging him to spill the beans.

The hours during Miguel's surgery seemed interminable, filled with anxiety and uncertainty. Yet, amidst the tension, Hazel found solace in striking up a conversation with Johnny. They talked about everything from karate to life's unexpected twists and turns, finding a sense of camaraderie in the midst of adversity.

As they chatted, Hazel felt a weight lift off her shoulders, if only momentarily, as the distraction provided a much-needed respite from the worry gnawing at her insides. In that moment, she realized the power of connection and the comfort that comes from sharing burdens with others.

The next day Miguel's phone beeped, and he glanced at it to find a video of Eli knocking over the log. He showed it to Hazel, who responded with a roll of her eyes before flopping back onto the chair. "Everything looks good," the nurse remarked kindly as she checked on him. Turning to Miguel, she noticed his troubled expression.

"What's wrong? Can I turn on the TV for you or get you another pillow?" she offered, her concern evident in her voice. Miguel lifted his head, his eyes clouded with worry. "What if my surgery didn't work? What if I can never walk again?" he voiced his fears in a gloomy tone.

"You can't think like that," the nurse replied gently, her reassuring smile lighting up her face. "But you know what might help? A big slice of chocolate cake. How does that sound?" she suggested, hoping to lift his spirits.

"Uh! Chocolate!" Hazel chimed in enthusiastically, her eyes lighting up at the mention of cake. "I'll bring you one too. Be right back," the nurse promised with a cheerful smile before leaving the room.

School wasn't as bad as Hazel had expected. She stuck by Demetri, Moon, and Sam the entire time, finding solace in their company as they navigated the crowded hallways together.

Though she couldn't believe her brother had insisted she attend school a few days after his surgery, she couldn't bring herself to refuse him.

"So, how are you holding up?" Sam asked, concern evident in her voice as they walked to their next class.

Hazel shrugged, offering a small smile. "I'm hanging in there. Just trying to focus on getting through the day."

Demetri glanced over at her, his brow furrowing with worry. "You sure you're okay, Hazel? You seem kind of... off."

Hazel hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a lot on my mind, you know?"

Moon nodded sympathetically. "Well, if you need anything, you know we're here for you."

As they approached their next class, Hazel spotted Eli in the distance. She felt a pang of guilt, knowing she had something important to tell him about the money they had stolen, but Sam's words echoed in her mind.

"Just focus on Miguel for now," Sam said, sensing Hazel's hesitation. "That's what's most important."

Hazel nodded reluctantly, pushing aside her desire to talk to Eli for the time being. As they entered the classroom, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease lingering in the back of her mind.


Dimitri and Hazel entered the cafeteria with a tray covered by a blanket. "Ready for our earth science presentation?" Dimitri asked, sitting down with Moon and Yasmin. Hazel's eyes widened with excitement, but Yasmin remained unimpressed.

"Let's see what you've got," Moon said, leaning forward with a smile.

As Dimitri unveiled his Lego dinosaur model, Eli, bouncing a soccer ball nearby, accidentally destroyed it. "Oops, my bad," Eli muttered, barely acknowledging the damage.

Hazel shot up from her seat, glaring at Eli. "What's your problem, Eli? You ruined our project!"

Eli shrugged nonchalantly. "Sorry, didn't see it there."

"Do you have another one?" Yasmin asked hopefully. "Another week, another pissing contest," Dimitri muttered angrily, marching towards Eli, with Hazel trailing behind.

"Although I shouldn't be surprised since you love pissing so much," Eli retorted, advancing closer, his voice low and menacing.

Hazel stood firmly beside Dimitri. "Back off, or you won't be lucky," she warned, her tone firm.

Eli chuckled, his eyes flicking up to notice the approaching teacher. "Yeah, like you'll start anything, princess. Actually, why don't you go sleep around with someone new and break his heart?" he taunted, earning a sharp glare from Hazel.

"Why are you jealous?" she retorted, flashing him an ironic smile.

As tensions rose, Sam stepped in and shoved Eli back with a furious sound. Mrs. Blatt, a teacher, intervened, addressing the situation with concern.

Eli feigned vulnerability, claiming he felt triggered. Hazel scoffed, unimpressed by his act. Meanwhile, Dimitri argued about the destruction of his science project, but Eli dismissed it as an accident.

Mrs. Blatt emphasized the need for respect, but Eli mockingly agreed, further provoking Hazel. Sam expressed frustration before Mrs. Blatt issued a warning and walked away.

Eli smirked as he walked off with his friends, leaving Hazel seething with anger and frustration.

Sam, Hazel, and Demetri were preparing for gym class, lacing up their shoes. As they watched the cheerleaders practicing, Demetri grumbled about his uncomfortable gym shorts. Sam grinned at him. "Come on, show a little school spirit."
"Yeah, go mountain lions, rawr," Demetri deadpanned, eliciting a laugh from Hazel. "Seriously, I hate school."

Meanwhile, Eli strolled across the field with his Cobra Kai entourage trailing behind him. Hazel shot him a narrowed glare as they passed. "I wish there was something we could do about those jerks," Demetri muttered, his eyes narrowed with frustration. Sam's gaze darkened. "We can," she said, glancing around. "Counselor Blatt's nowhere in sight. Besides, what's a soccer game without a little physicality?" She flashed a half-smile, hands on her hips. "They think we're pushovers. Let's prove them wrong." Hazel smirked, crossing her arms in agreement, while Demetri nodded enthusiastically.

During the soccer game, tensions escalated quickly. Sam aggressively tackled an opponent, causing both of them to hit the ground hard. Getting up swiftly, Sam stepped on her fallen opponent's chest, intensifying the confrontation.

Eli, on the other hand, intercepted the ball and scored a goal, flashing a smug grin Hazel's way. Unfazed, she flirtatiously engaged with a Miyagi-Do teammate, provoking jealousy in Eli. He retaliated by body-checking the boy, earning a warning from the referee.

Demetri seized the opportunity to taunt Eli, insinuating that Hazel had feelings for him. Eli, infuriated, confronted Demetri, who deftly tripped him, causing him to crash to the ground. As the referee blew the whistle, Eli ignored the warning and aggressively played on, kicking the ball into another player's stomach.

The match devolved into a brawl, with Hazel delivering a swift kick to an opponent's face. The coach intervened, ordering everyone to the principal's office immediately.

Exiting Counselor Blatt's office, Hazel and Eli were released, leaving Sam and Demetri stunned. "Caldwell, Johnson, Rickingberge, and Eli, you're free to go," Blatt announced, as Eli smirked and walked away. "Unbelievable," Demetri muttered incredulously.

"What about us?" Sam demanded, incredulous. "Diaz, you're also excused, due to your home issues. The rest of you will serve rehabilitative Saturday detention," Blatt declared, leaving them speechless with disbelief and outrage.

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