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On the bustling first day of school, students streamed into the building, exchanging greetings and catching up with friends. Amidst the lively atmosphere, Miguel leaned against a pillar outside, a troubled expression clouding his features as he checked his phone repeatedly.

Approaching him, Hazel sensed his unease. "Still no word from Tory?" she inquired, her concern evident in her voice. Miguel glanced up, meeting her gaze with a somber nod. "No, and she's not responding to any of my messages," he admitted, a note of worry creeping into his tone.

Sharing his apprehension, Hazel shook her head. "I haven't heard from her either. It's starting to worry me," she confessed, her brows furrowing in concern.

Miguel let out a soft sigh, his mind filled with unanswered questions. "I couldn't find her after the party either," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Do you think she might have run into trouble with the cops?" he wondered aloud, his anxiety palpable.

Hazel considered the possibility, her expression mirroring Miguel's concern. "It's hard to say, but missing the first day isn't a good sign," she acknowledged, her tone serious. Miguel nodded in agreement, a sense of foreboding settling over them as they made their way into the school together.

"Good morning, everyone, and welcome to a brand new year at West Valley High. I hope you all had a great summer and are ready to dive back into the school year," the woman's voice echoed over the intercom.

In the classroom, Hazel, Eli, and Miguel sat together, the atmosphere tense as they listened to the announcements. Eli's question about Sam kissing Miguel startled the air, prompting Miguel to confirm the unexpected event with a somber tone. "Yeah," he admitted, his mood dampened.

Eli's reaction was unexpectedly light-hearted. "Nice," he quipped, nudging Miguel's shoulder with a grin. But Hazel's disapproving gaze and words quickly tempered the mood. "No, not nice. He shouldn't have done that to Tory," she interjected, her tone firm and disapproving.

Eli's response was nonchalant, bordering on cavalier. "Why limit yourself to one chick? I plan to have a full rotation going by the time we reach midterms," he boasted proudly. Miguel looked perplexed by Eli's statement, while Hazel's eyebrow arched incredulously.

"Really? Mature way to forget about me," Hazel retorted, her disappointment evident in her voice as she turned away. Eli's expression faltered, seeking support from Miguel, who could only shrug in response.

Before Eli could reply, a student approached him, attempting to offer support but only succeeding in eliciting Eli's ire. A brief scuffle ensued, leaving Miguel and Hazel bewildered by the sudden confrontation.

As the intercom announcements continued, interrupted briefly by a struggle over the microphone, Tory's voice broke through with a chilling promise of retribution directed at Sam. The tension in the classroom escalated as the bell rang, signaling the end of class.

Outside the classroom, chaos erupted as students congregated in the hallways. Miguel and Robby raced to find their respective girlfriends, while Hazel followed her brother, her mind racing with uncertainty.

Tory and Sam's confrontation drew a crowd, their exchange tense and volatile. Robby's arrival added another layer of complexity, his hurt expression betraying the emotional turmoil of the moment.

"Oh, it's on!" Eli said happily. He shoved two kids to the side. Another ran up at him but he stuck his arm out, catching him across the chest, knocking him down. The next that ran at Eli he flipped. "Yeah!!" Eli yelled.

Soon everyone was finding their friends that they made into their enemies. Chris vs Mitch, Bart vs Nate. Hazel and Aisha were moving towards where Tory and Sam where. "Stop fighting, stop!" Hazel said, trying to relaxing her friends. A boy ran at her shoving her into the lockers. Aisha turned to him. "Oh? You want a piece of this?" She asked as she body chucked him into the lockers across the hall. 

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