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At home, Miguel approaches his sister about what they did to Eli. His expression is one of concern mixed with anger.

"Hazel, what the hell did you and the others do to Hawk?" he demands, his voice edged with frustration.

Hazel feels a pang of guilt but tries to brush off Miguel's question. "It was nothing, just some harmless fun," she replies casually, avoiding eye contact.

Miguel's anger flares. "Harmless fun? You guys hurt him! You're becoming just as bad as when Hawk was in Cobra Kai," he accuses, his voice rising.

Hazel's heart sinks at Miguel's words, but she doesn't let him see how much they hurt. Instead, she remains silent, her expression unreadable, and walks toward her room, closing the door behind her without saying a word. Miguel's words linger in the air, leaving a heavy tension in the room.

As Hazel walks into the dojo, the air is charged with anticipation, and she can sense that something significant is about to be announced. She takes her place among the other students, her gaze fixed on Silver as he steps forward.

"Listen up, everyone," Silver begins, his voice carrying authority. "There's been a change in the rules for this year's All Valley Karate Tournament. We're not just aiming for one winner anymore. We're aiming for two."

Murmurs ripple through the dojo as the students exchange confused glances. Two winners? That's unheard of.

"That's right," Silver continues, his tone unwavering. "There will be a winner for the male category and a winner for the female category."

Hazel's heart skips a beat at the news. Two winners mean double the opportunity to prove herself, double the chance to showcase her skills on the biggest stage. She can feel the weight of Silver's expectations resting on her shoulders.

"And I'm counting on you, Hazel," Silver says, locking eyes with her. "Or Tory, to take the girls' title."

Hazel's pulse quickens at the challenge laid out before her. She glances over at Tory, who meets her gaze with a determined nod. In that moment, they share an unspoken understanding: they'll both do anything to win.

As the significance of Silver's words sinks in, Hazel feels a surge of determination coursing through her veins. This isn't just about winning a tournament; it's about proving herself, proving that Cobra Kai is a force to be reckoned with.

With a steely resolve, Hazel stands a little taller, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. The pressure is on, but she's determined to rise to the occasion and make her mark in the world of karate.


At karate training, Silver and Kreese decided to inject some excitement into the session by placing bets on the winners of sparring matches. The dojo buzzed with anticipation as the students gathered around to watch.

"Let's make this interesting," Silver declared, a sly grin playing on his lips. "I'll pick my champion first. Miss Elswith, you're up."

Piper stepped forward confidently, her eyes gleaming with determination as she prepared to face her opponent. Silver's faith in her was unwavering, and the pressure was on for her to prove him right.

Kreese surveyed the students before his gaze settled on Tory. "You, Miss Nichols" he said, his voice firm. "You're my choice."

Tory stepped forward, a fierce glint in her eyes as she locked onto her opponent. She was determined to come out on top and show Kreese that she was worthy of his confidence.

The match began, and the dojo erupted into cheers and shouts of encouragement as Piper and Tory clashed. It was a fierce battle, but in the end, Tory emerged victorious, her skill and determination shining through.

Silver grudgingly handed over the agreed-upon wager, begrudgingly acknowledging Tory's victory. "Well done, Miss Nichols," he said, a hint of admiration in his voice.

With one match down, the anticipation grew as Silver and Kreese prepared to choose their next champions.

"This time, I'll go first," Silver declared, his eyes scanning the group of students before landing on Hazel. "You're up next, Miss Diaz."

Hazel stepped forward, a sense of determination radiating from her as she prepared to face her opponent. Silver's choice was clear: he believed in her abilities and was confident she would deliver.

Kreese's gaze settled on Robby, his decision made without hesitation. "You, Mr. Keene. Show her what Cobra is made of."

The atmosphere crackled with intensity as Hazel and Robby squared off, the two best karate students in the dojo facing each other in an epic showdown. The stakes were higher now, and neither of them was willing to back down.

The tension in the dojo was palpable as Hazel and Robby squared off, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze. They circled each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move. The air was charged with anticipation as the other students watched, their breath held in suspense.

With lightning speed, Robby launched the first attack, aiming a swift punch towards Hazel's midsection. But Hazel was ready, deftly dodging the blow and countering with a powerful roundhouse kick aimed at Robby's head. He managed to block it just in time, but the force of the kick pushed him back a step.

Robby recovered quickly, launching a series of rapid strikes at Hazel, who parried and blocked each one with precision. She retaliated with a flurry of kicks and punches of her own, each one aimed with deadly accuracy. The two fighters moved with fluidity and grace, their movements a blur as they exchanged blows.

The match was incredibly close, with neither fighter giving an inch. Robby's technique was flawless, his movements calculated and precise. But Hazel fought with a ferocity that matched his own, her determination driving her forward.

As the fight wore on, Hazel could feel her energy waning, but she refused to let up. She dug deep, drawing on every ounce of strength and determination she had. With one final burst of energy, she launched a powerful spinning kick that caught Robby off guard.

The blow connected with a satisfying thud, and Robby stumbled backwards, momentarily off balance. Sensing an opportunity, Hazel pressed her advantage, launching a rapid series of strikes that left Robby struggling to defend himself.

In the end, it was Hazel who emerged victorious, her final blow landing squarely on Robby's chest, sending him sprawling to the mat. The dojo erupted into cheers as Hazel raised her fists in triumph, a triumphant smile on her face. She had fought with everything she had, and it had paid off.

After an intense karate training session, Hazel's phone rings, and she sees Eli's name on the caller ID. With a sigh, she answers.

"Eli? What do you want?" Her voice is guarded, already anticipating trouble.

"I got your message. But I'm not giving up on you," Eli says urgently.

Hazel's confusion deepens. "Message? What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb, Hazel. You know exactly what I'm talking about," Eli replies firmly.

Hazel's heart races, frustration rising. "It wasn't a message. I wanted to hurt you, and I did. There's nothing more to it. Don't try to find an explanation." She sighs, rolling her eyes at his persistence.

Eli's frustration becomes evident. "You're not as tough as you seem, Hazel. You ran away when things got real."

Hazel's tone turns cold. "And what do you want from me, Eli?"

"I know what you're trying to do, but it's not gonna work. I won't give up on you, Hazel," Eli asserts, determination clear in his voice.

Hazel remains silent for a moment, her mind swirling with conflicting thoughts. She thinks about forgiving him, about the possibility of things going back to how they were. But she knows she can't go back to being the victim, to feeling hurt and betrayed.

Finally, she speaks, her voice steady but firm. "Eli, never call me again."

With that, she hangs up, her heart heavy but her resolve unyielding. She can't risk getting hurt again, not by him, not by anyone. Standing there in the suffocating silence, her thoughts whirl like a storm inside her head.

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