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Eli had decided to dye his hair red and change the color of the Hawk tattoo on his back.

Hazel had just arrived at the tattoo place and was waiting for him outside. He had asked her to come along, but she didn't want to just wait for hours while he got the tattoo. Thankfully, her mother had bought her a car a few weeks ago at the start of the summer, so she could drive freely now.

Hazel hesitated to go inside; the place seemed weird. But then again, she didn't want to wait outside either. Finally, she made up her mind and went in.

"Eli," Hazel greeted as she walked inside. She waved at the two boys whose names she couldn't recall and then walked over to her boyfriend.

"Princess," he replied, getting up and thanking the tattoo artist. Hazel immediately noticed the fresh ink on his skin – a plant, a witch-hazel to be specific, with her name written next to it.

"Oh. My. God," Hazel's eyes widened. "You got a tattoo for me?"

Hazel wasn't sure how she felt, but she knew she loved this guy so much.

Eli was nervously waiting for her reaction, unable to read her emotions. "You don't like it?" he whispered.

"No, of course not - I like it. Actually, I love it. It's so pretty," Hazel said, carefully touching the tattoo. A grin spread across Eli's face as he put on a t-shirt and wrapped an arm around her waist, walking outside with her.

At the table, Hazel, Moon, Aisha, and Tory were all sitting together. "Oh my God, Yasmin has the same bathing suit as me," Moon laughed slightly. "Tell her she can stay in France," Aisha said bitterly. "I mean, Moon, I love you, but how can you still be friends with her?" Hazel rolled her eyes.

"Here you go, princess," Eli said as he walked over with a Red Bull in his hand. Aisha rolled her eyes at them as they started kissing.

"You two are disgustingly adorable," she remarked, throwing a napkin at them, but they didn't stop.

Tory grabbed an ice cube from her drink and threw it at Miguel, who was sitting at a separate table. "Hey," he said softly. "Oops, it must have slipped out of my hand. What are you doing over there anyway?" she asked curiously, noticing him on his computer. "Going all-in," was his simple reply.

Hazel smiled at them; they seemed to have some chemistry, and Tory seemed like a good person.


"I really like this date... You and I – plus another four boys," Hazel said ironically, flashing a smile at Eli. He had suddenly asked her to come with him to the mall for apparently no reason.

Eli had no intention of telling her the real reason behind their outing; he knew she wouldn't approve. But she was the best at karate. In case something happened, she could help him. The other four were useless, just there to make up the numbers.

"It's not a date. We're just here to... do something," Eli answered for the sixth time, rolling his eyes. Gosh, he loved her, but he was starting to get a little anxious.

"Whatever. I'm gonna get us some food. See you later," she said, grabbing her purse from his hands and leaving. As she walked to the food court, she saw Robby and Samantha.

Despite her brother's dislike for Robby and the previous altercation with Samantha, where she accused Tory and Hazel of stealing a wallet, Hazel decided to let it slide and go talk to them. "Hey," she smiled at them.

"Hey, Hazel," Sam smiled back, while Robby just waved, not knowing her well.

"So, what are you two doing here, alone..." Hazel feigned curiosity, but her real concern was for her brother, who seemed desperate enough to make a video with Sam.

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