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Everyone was outside, celebrating Cobra Kai's overall victory. Despite not winning her match, Tory managed a smile, joining in the festivities. As the crowd dispersed, Tory slipped inside the building. Hazel waited outside, her mind still racing from the intense final match.

When Tory reemerged, her face was pale and streaked with tears. Hazel's heart sank at the sight. "Tory, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Tory tried to speak but choked on her words. After a few moments, she finally managed to say, "I saw Silver talking to the referee."

Hazel froze, the weight of the revelation sinking in. "What does that mean? Was my win not fair?"

Tory shook her head, still trembling. "No, I don't think it's about the final. Silver hates you; he wouldn't have let you win. He probably made sure that he had on of us in the final, but which one of us did he help?"

The realization hit them both hard. The integrity of the tournament was in question, and Hazel's victory was tainted with doubt. Hazel felt a surge of anger and betrayal. The victory that had felt so sweet now seemed hollow.


Hazel was searching for Robby. Unable to find him, she figured he must be at the dojo, packing his things as they prepared to move. When she arrived, she paused at the door. Inside, Johnny stood facing her, while Robby faced him, the weight of their conversation hanging in the air.

Robby's voice broke the silence, filled with raw emotion. "I had all this hate inside of me. For you and for Miguel. And I thought I could use Cobra Kai to control that. But it just made things worse, and now it's never gonna get better."

Hazel's heart ached as she listened, tears streaming down her face, though she cried silently, not wanting to interrupt the moment. Johnny, oblivious to her presence, tried to comfort his son.

"That's not true," Johnny said, his voice gentle. "You had a good thing going with LaRusso. I got in the way. Don't blame yourself. Blame me."

Robby shook his head, tears flowing freely. "I'm sick of blaming you, Dad."

Soft music played in the background, underscoring the emotional intensity of the scene. Robby's sobs filled the room, and Johnny stepped closer, his voice filled with earnest reassurance.

"It's gonna be all right," Johnny said, his own voice breaking. "We'll figure this out."

Robby sniffled, and the two embraced, the pain and tension of the past slowly melting away in the warmth of their reconciliation. Hazel, still standing in the doorway, felt a mix of relief and sorrow. She wiped her tears, knowing this was a step toward healing for both of them.

As Hazel stood in the doorway, Johnny turned and noticed her. "Hazel!" he exclaimed, his voice a mix of surprise and warmth.

Robby looked at her too, his eyes still red from crying. Hazel, taken off guard, took a step back and accidentally bumped into the door. "I'm sorry—I should... go," she stammered, turning to leave.

But Robby called out, "Hazel, wait." She stopped, looking at him in confusion. He continued, "You should stay. We're all family, after all." He glanced at Johnny, who nodded in agreement.

Hazel shook her head, still feeling out of place. "I should—" she began, but Johnny interrupted her by pulling her into a hug.

"LaRusso told me what you said to Anthony," Johnny started once they stopped hugging.

Robby furrowed his eyebrows in curiosity, but Hazel shook her head, tears streaming down her face. Johnny gently cupped her shoulders, his eyes sincere. "It's not true, what you said. You deserve love."

𝖫𝗈𝗏౿ᑲ𝗈ოᑲ -𝖤ᥣꪱᜒ 𝖬𝗈ડƙ𝗈⍵ꪱᜒ𝗍ʑWhere stories live. Discover now