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It had been a couple of days since Miguel escaped, leaving behind a letter saying he was searching for his father. Carmen was worried and confided in Hazel that their father wasn't a good man.

Johnny suggested that he, Robby, and Hazel should go to Mexico to find Miguel, obviously he didn't tell Robby or else he wouldn't have agreed.

Hazel didn't want to intrude on their father-son trip, but they insisted.

Johnny walked out of a convenience store wearing red sunglasses, still with the tag on. Hazel and Robby burst into laughter.

"Got us some choice supplies for the next leg of our trip," Johnny said as he reached the car. "Mexican Cokes." He pulled them out.

"Thanks, but I think they're just Cokes," Robby laughed, giving Hazel a funny look. Hazel tried to stifle her laughter.

"Mexican candies, Chicharróns," Johnny continued, pulling out some candy and chips.

"Wow, good pronunciation, Johnny! Are you sure you're not Latino?" Hazel asked.

"Hey, go easy on the insults," Johnny pointed at Hazel, who raised her hands defensively. "I got this amazing cellphone with 60 minutes, which is like 300 American minutes. And I got you both a little something to say 'Welcome to Mexico.'" He pulled out a little dog with a hat and gave it to Robby, then another one, pink, and handed it to Hazel. "And don't tell me it's offensive, we bought it here—it's their idea."

He then pulled out the last item. "And here, the last thing." It was an FBI T-shirt—three, to be exact. "Turn it around."

Robby turned it around, revealing it said, "Female Body Inspector." The two teenagers burst into laughter.

"That's offensive," Hazel pointed out jokingly.

Johnny shrugged. "I was looking for HBI, but they didn't have it. Hawk is not famous here." He laughed.

Hazel widened her eyes in shock, looking at Robby, waiting for him to say something, but he just laughed. "Haha! He got you there."

"What are we actually doing here?" Robby asked, still smiling. "And don't say it's a father-son-Hazel bonding thing, because we could've done that 500 miles ago."

Johnny took off his glasses. "Look, it's a father-son-I-want-Hazel-to-detox-from-Hawk thing, but we have something to take care of first."

Hazel rolled her eyes. "You know, you two are really funny," she sighed.


When Robby found out what they were actually doing in Mexico, he was both upset and annoyed. "You've got to be kidding me."

Johnny was driving, Robby in the passenger seat, and Hazel in the back. They had fought over who should sit in the front, but Johnny resolved it by making them switch at every stop.

"You have every right to be upset," Johnny admitted, trying to be understanding.

"How could you two take me down to Mexico and not mention that we're coming to get Miguel?" Robby asked, looking between Hazel and his dad. "'C'mon Robby, let's go to Mexico and come back with some memories,'" he mimicked sarcastically.

"Hey, it was his idea, not mine," Hazel said, raising her hands and shaking her head while pointing at Johnny.

"I wasn't bullshitting you. I want to fix our relationship—all of us. When I heard Miguel was in trouble, I had to do something," Johnny explained, and Hazel could see he was really trying. "I couldn't leave you at home. I'm not doing that anymore."

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