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Students once again line the mat, with Kreese in the middle and Hazel and Robby flanking him in fighting stances. Kreese shouts a kiai, and the fight begins. Hazel attacks first with a round kick, then a side kick, and finally a back kick.

Robby blocks, dodges, and evades these strikes before closing the distance. He dodges an axe kick from Hazel, but she lands a blow on his shoulder, forcing him to bend in pain. Hazel follows with a roundhouse kick, but Robby pushes forward, sweeps her leg, and knocks her down with his shoulder.

"Pretty good. But you've got too greedy," Robby says, his breath steady despite the exertion.

Hazel, determined, leaps up and throws a high spinning kick, which Robby dodges. She then trips him with a low sweep.

"Not so fast," Hazel retorts, a fierce glint in her eyes.

She attempts to stomp him, but he rolls away, back-kicks her, and springs to his feet.

"My turn," Robby says with a smirk.

Robby seizes her leg during her next attack, karate chops her knee, and slams her to the ground, stunning her.

"You okay?" Robby asks, concern briefly flashing across his face.

Hazel grabs his hand, hauls herself up, and throws him over her shoulder. However, Robby holds on, lifts his hips, and throws her down again, immobilizing her with his thighs.

"I've experienced enough Cobra Kai cheap shots to know when to expect one. Are you done?" Robby asks, his voice calm but firm.

Hazel struggles but eventually gives up. "Alright, I give up."

"Good job, Mr. Keene. Now off the mat, that's enough horseplay for you two," Kreese commands, his tone brooking no argument.

"Class, fall in, we've just been joined by some very special guests. Buenos dias, compadres. Welcome to our dojo," Kreese says, addressing the men before turning to the students.

"You're gonna have to excuse them, English isn't their strong suit. But you will find they're fluent in the language you're still yet to master—the language of the fist! These are men who have been through war and know what it takes to come out of it with your shield and not on it. They shall be your new sparring partners."

Hazel exchanges a worried look with Robby as Kreese continues.

"They will show you how much you still lack to consider yourself truly fit for combat, they will push you to the extremes without mercy, and in time, maybe their grit will rub off on you. For now, just remember—whatever... or whoever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."

Kreese calls Kyler to demonstrate Cobra Kai's strength.

"Mr. Okumoto, since you were deprived of a victory by their unexpected arrival, how about... getting satisfaction from one of them? Class, make room!"

Kyler reluctantly faces one of the men, who quickly overpowers him, injuring him in the process.

"Enough!" Kreese shouts, stepping in. "Thank you, an excellent showing." He turns to Kyler. "Mr. Okumoto, get yourself together and let this be a lesson for you. In battle, you pull back, you hesitate—you're a dead man. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sensei," Kyler responds, gathering himself from the mat.

Later, in Kreese's office, Hazel expresses her concerns about the new men.

"Sensei, may I speak with you for a moment?" Hazel asks, hesitating at the doorway.

"Ms. Diaz, come in. Hope you don't mind the smoke," Kreese says, gesturing for her to enter.

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