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Miguel, Hazel, and Eli arrived at the dojo and noticed the new students lingering outside. With a mischievous grin, Eli approached them.

"Hey, step aside, rookies," he commanded in a demanding tone. The two boys quickly moved out of the way. "Sorry," Mitch, a chubby boy with curly brown hair, mumbled. "Let me hold the door for you," added Chris, with shaved black hair and dark skin.

"Eli!" Hazel feigned exasperation. "Don't intimidate these poor boys." She smiled, glancing at her boyfriend.

"Just having a bit of fun, Princess," Eli responded with a fake apologetic tone, sensing Hazel's playful mood.

"I'm Hazel," she introduced herself, extending her hand with a smile. "And this is Hawk." As Chris reached for her hand too eagerly, Hazel quickly twisted his hand, causing him to wince in pain.

"Interested in joining Cobra Kai, huh?" Eli asked the two newcomers. Then, he playfully raised his fists, making them flinch again. Chuckling, he draped his arm over Hazel's shoulder. "You've got a long journey ahead." With that, he led Hazel into the building, followed closely by Miguel.

Meanwhile, Mitch nudged Chris. "Why'd you do that?" he asked, puzzled. Chris looked confused. "I didn't do anything," he replied. Mitch rolled his eyes and walked inside, leaving Chris bewildered outside.

As they entered the dojo, Miguel noticed the remnants of chaos—a fire mark and a broken mirror. "What happened here?" he inquired, puzzled. Aisha shrugged with a small smile. "Must have been quite the party Sensei had," she remarked. Hazel raised an eyebrow at the understatement.

"It must have been wild if fire got involved," Eli observed, glancing around. "I wonder why we weren't invited," he added with a chuckle.

"I doubt you would've gone even if you were," Miguel retorted. "You were busy last night."

"Miguel, mind your own business," Hazel interjected, shaking her head.

"I'm traumatized," Miguel exclaimed dramatically, pointing to himself. Hazel rolled her eyes at his theatrics.

Johnny's stern voice interrupted their banter. "Quiet!" he bellowed, silencing the room. "The dojo is closed to new students today." Johnny addressed the newcomers, dismissing them with a firm tone.

Turning his attention to his students, Johnny called out, "Diaz, Hawk, Miss Diaz, up front." Confused, the trio obeyed, moving to the front of the room.

Facing them, Johnny began his inquiry. "Hawk, did you attack your opponent from behind?" he asked, circling slowly. Eli nodded, exchanging a puzzled glance with Miguel.

"Mr. Diaz, did you target your opponent's injury?" Miguel hesitated briefly before nodding. "Yes, Sensei," he admitted.

"And Miss Diaz, did you hold back because you were fighting your brother?" Johnny's piercing gaze fell on Hazel, causing her heart to race with anxiety.

Hazel swallowed nervously, feeling exposed. "No, Sensei," she replied, her fingers fidgeting with her thigh. Eli and Miguel exchanged knowing glances—they could sense her lie.

"Don't lie to me!" Johnny's voice boomed, causing Hazel to flinch. "One more time, did you or did you not fight like a pussy?"

"No, Sensei," Hazel repeated, her eyes tightly shut.

"100 push-ups on your knuckles, now, Miss Diaz," Johnny ordered, his tone unforgiving. With a heavy heart, Hazel began her punishment.

Turning his attention to Eli and Miguel, Johnny continued his interrogation. "Do you think your actions make you tougher?" he challenged, pacing before them.

Aisha, called upon by Johnny, watched intently as he posed a thought-provoking scenario. "Two cobras in the jungle," he began. "One kills the strongest lion, and the other kills a crippled monkey. Which cobra do you want to be?"

"The one that kills the lion, Sensei," Aisha responded, her confusion evident in her voice.

"Why is that?" Johnny inquired, his gaze piercing.

"Because it killed a stronger opponent," Aisha reasoned, uncertainty still lingering in her tone.

"Correct! Cobra Kai is about being badass. And the baddest badass takes down his opponent when he's at his strongest," Johnny declared in a commanding voice.

"Not when his back is turned! Not when he's injured!" As he emphasized those points, he stepped closer to Miguel and Eli, his intensity palpable. "Is that understood?!" He demanded, his gaze piercing.

"Yes, Sensei!" the class responded in unison, their voices unified.

"That means no more cheating. No more fighting dirty. Those are cowardly moves now. You don't want to be cowards, do you?" Johnny challenged.

"No, Sensei!" came the resolute reply, echoing throughout the room.

"Good. That's why I had you wear your white belts. You're starting over. Hawk, Diaz, 50 push-ups on your knuckles. Ms. Robinson, warm them up," Johnny instructed, turning to Aisha.

"Yes, Sensei," Aisha acknowledged, moving to the front of the class. "Fighting positions. Jab punch," she directed, as the students began their warm-up exercises.

By the time the lesson concluded, Hazel wasted no time in leaving the dojo. It was safe to say she had never exited the building faster.


As they walked away from the dojo, Miguel and Hazel fell into step beside each other, their steps synchronized as always. However, the tension from Johnny's reprimand still lingered in the air.

Hazel glanced at her brother, noticing the troubled expression on his face. "What's wrong, Miguel?" she asked, concern lacing her voice.

Miguel hesitated for a moment before speaking, his voice low. "Hazel, I couldn't help but hear what Sensei said back there... about you going easy on me during the semifinal."

Hazel's heart sank as she realized what Miguel was referring to. She had hoped he hadn't noticed. "Yeah, I..." She struggled to find the right words, feeling a pang of guilt.

"I get it, Hazel," Miguel interrupted, his tone gentle. "You were looking out for me, especially after what happened with Robby and his injury. But you don't need to hold back. We're in this tournament to win."

Hazel nodded, feeling a mix of regret and determination. "You're right, Miguel. I shouldn't have gone easy on you," she admitted, her voice tinged with remorse. "I promise, next time, I'll give it my all."

Miguel offered her a small smile, a silent reassurance passing between them. "Thanks, Hazel. I know it's not easy, but we've got each other's backs, no matter what."

With a shared understanding, the twins continued on their way, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, both in the tournament and in their journey as martial artists.

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