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The Miyagi-Fangs students stretched in the dojo, the air filled with anticipation. Mr. Chozen called them to attention with a sharp, "Line up!" Immediately, they all complied. Hazel had been stretching with Robby but now found herself next to Eli, who winked at her, causing her to blush. You'd think she'd get used to it by now, but she didn't; she blushed as if it were the first time.

"So, where are my dad and Johnny?" Sam, standing next to Hazel, asked Chozen. He seemed slightly annoyed by the question.

"Not here. Today, you train with me," he replied curtly. Switching to Japanese, he commanded, "Attention!" When the students failed to respond, he clarified, "Bow." They quickly obeyed.

Hazel surmised that Chozen first said the words in Japanese and then translated them into English.

"Cobra Kai gaining ground. We must prepare. Come," he instructed, leading them to a table adorned with various weapons. Mitch, behind her, whispered excitedly to Chris, "This is gonna be badass. Check out that throwing knife."

Chozen continued, "Now, we learn about Yanbaru Kuina." The students exchanged confused yet eager glances.

"What is that? Like, some top-secret karate move? Like a throat rip?" Chris asked, imitating a choking motion.

"No. It is bird. In English called Okinawa rail. Endangered. Cannot fly," Chozen explained.

"Hence, endangered," Demetri added sarcastically.

From under the table, Chozen produced a tray covered with a cloth. Lifting the cloth, he revealed several eggs.

"So these are the real eggs?" Hazel asked, frowning, echoing everyone's curiosity.

"No. Trader Joe's. $3.29. Take egg," Chozen replied, shaking his head. They each took an egg.

"So what do we do with them?" Sam asked, still puzzled.

"Yanbaru Kuina must protect egg. From Kume Shima habu. Poison snake. You must do same. Begin your preparation," Chozen instructed. The students were even more perplexed.

"What are we protecting them from?" Robby asked.

"From me," Chozen answered nonchalantly. Then, with a sudden yell and a flourish of his knives, he began to sharpen them. "Go! Go!" he commanded.

Chaos ensued as everyone scrambled, trying to find a place to protect their egg. Hazel clutched her egg tightly, scanning the dojo for a suitable hiding spot.

As Hazel ran, she could hear Mitch and Chris debating strategies, Demetri muttering calculations under his breath, and Sam urging others to move faster. The intensity in the room ramped up as Chozen prowled, his eyes sharp and calculating.

Hazel finally found a corner behind some training equipment. She crouched down, her heart racing, and carefully cradled the egg in her hands. She glanced over and saw Robby not far away, also protecting his egg. They exchanged a brief nod, acknowledging the seriousness of the task at hand.

The students' eyes darted around, watching Chozen's every move, ready to defend their eggs from the seasoned warrior's impending attack. The training had taken an unexpected turn, but it was exactly what they needed to stay sharp and united against the growing threat of Cobra Kai.


Hazel sat on the deck next to Eli, Demetri, and Miguel. The three guys were intently watching Sam and Robby, who were conversing at a distance. Hazel, meanwhile, was focused on finding a way to protect her egg.

Eli narrowed his eyes at Robby. "Look at him trying to move in on her. If you want, I'll kick his ass."

Miguel shook his head, keeping his tone light. "No, you don't need to do that. Robby and I are cool now. Besides, I'm pretty sure they're just catching up."

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