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Hazel, Miguel, Demetri, and Aisha sat on a bench in the park, watching as Eli and Bert sparred behind them. "Come on, eat. It'll make you feel better," Demetri urged his friend.

"I'm not hungry, and I know what I saw," Miguel replied, his gaze fixed on the ground.

Eli glanced over. "So you saw her having dinner with some chump," he remarked, delivering a roundhouse kick to Bert's face, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Eli! Poor Bert," Hazel scolded Eli, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Poor Bert!" Eli mocked in a high-pitched voice, then approached and leaned against the back of the bench. "It was probably just her brother."

"No, dude, brothers don't look at their sisters like that," Miguel countered, turning to Eli. "Depends on what part of the country you're in," Demetri interjected with a distant, slightly disgusted expression on his face.

"Maybe it's because he made a move and she was bored of waiting," Demetri suggested with a shrug.

"Wait, could that be it?" Miguel asked, growing anxious.

"What? No. I mean, unless she's a superficial bitch," Hazel shrugged. "But if you ask me, I don't think that's the reason."

"Would you?" Eli asked with genuine concern.

"No, definitely wouldn't do that." Hazel said offended. "I really like you." She smiled at the boy.

"I just don't want what happened to Sensei to happen to me," Miguel confessed, his frown deepening as he confided in his friends.

"Okay, so go over to this kid and beat his ass before he has the chance," Eli suggested, as if it were a reasonable solution that anyone would consider.

"Don't listen to Eli," Demetri chimed in, and Hazel nodded in agreement.

Eli shot him a sharp gaze. "It's Hawk," he corrected in a voice tinged with anger and bitterness.

"Yeah, whatever. I still don't get why Hazel is the only one who can call you Eli," Demetri remarked, earning a slap on the arm from Hazel. "The fact is, Sam has given you no reason not to trust her," he pointed out, looking over at the other boy.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Miguel conceded in a low voice, clearly worried about the whole situation.

"Oh, that little bitch," Aisha exclaimed angrily as she leaned forward, glancing at her phone, capturing the attention of the three boys.

"What?" Eli and Hazel asked simultaneously. Aisha turned to face them. "You know that video I posted of me breaking that board?" She inquired. Miguel's gaze remained fixed on the ground.

"Yeah," he replied. "Look what Yasmin commented," Aisha said, holding her phone out for them to see. They read the comment: 'Impressive... can't believe that belt made it around her waist.'

"Oh, shit," Miguel muttered, his eyes slightly widened.

"That stupid cunt," Hazel rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. Suddenly, she became reserved, as if she didn't want to discuss it, and Eli noticed.

"What happened?" he frowned, puzzled.

At that moment, both twins answered simultaneously.



"She commented on one of Hazel's posts too."

Hazel shot Miguel a betrayed look. "I meant nothing," he tried to clarify, but it was too late as everyone had already heard.

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