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"My mommyyyyyyyyyyyy!"Kierra yelled hugging her mother.

"I missed my mommyyyyyyy. " Kierra continued kissing all over her face.

"Kierra that's too loud." Karen said.

"Honey you know you're as loud as her. " Drew said going to hug Kierra.

"No I'm not. " Karen said laughing closing the door.

"Ma, Jordan is getting stuff from the car don't close up. "Kierra said and Karen's mood shifted.

"I thought it was just us 4. " Karen said.

"J Drew said that he had something come up so he had to attend it quickly so I thought I should get Jordan so he can eat everything up. " Kierra said laughing and Jordan came into the house.

"Hey Jordan. " Drew said walking up to him and hugging him.

"Hey bishop , Hi ms Karen. " Jordan said and Karen internally rolled her eyes.

She went to the kitchen instead of answering him to get the food ready

"What's wrong with mom?" Jordan asked.

"I don't know , let me go check on her. " Kierra said leaving Jordan with her dad.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Kierra asked.

"Yes honey, why wouldn't I be?" Karen asked.

"I don't know you didn't respond when Jordan greeted you and it's not like you. " Kierra said.

"Help me dish up baby, I'm okay. " Karen said kissing her baby's cheek.

The 4 sat at the table eating and Karen was quiet during the whole dinner , only the 3 of them would engage in conversation and Drew thought that it was weird for his wife to be quiet when their daughter was there.

"Uh.oh" Kierra said looking at her phone.

"What? What's wrong baby?" Jordan asked.

"I have to go, Daddy I'm going to need your help can you give me a ride?  "Kierra asked her dad.

"Sure honey, let me get my keys. " Drew said.

"Uh, let me leave with you guys. " Karen said getting up from the table.

"No mommy, please stay here with Jordan I'll be out for an hour or two and then I'll be back and he's still eating . " Kierra said .

"Uh now Kierra, I don't get to see you much and you're- " Karen said.

"It's alright ms Karen, she'll be back after sorting her emergency, I'll stay here with you. " Jordan said and Karen put out a fake smile at Jordan.

"We'll be back honey." Drew said kissing Karen's cheek.

And then they got out the house and Karen was left sitting at the table with Jordan.

"You're not eating Karen. " Jordan said.

"What happened to ms? " Karen asked him

"Eat your food. " Jordan said.

"I'm not hungry. " Karen said.

"Why do you want to make this unpleasant? Why do you want to cut our dinner short?" Jordan asked.

"There's nothing pleasant about this Jordan. You're hurting me , you're assaulting me... I am scared to show my husband my own husband my body because of the scars that you put me through. I have to put up with watching my daughter hug and kiss on you knowing that you will be kissing me and inside me anytime you want. Do you know how that feels? It's disgusting Jordan. " Karen let out

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