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"I think I should tell my sisters the truth. " Karen said, her feet were on top of her husband and he was massaging them as they were watching a movie.

"Are you ready to?" Drew asked her and she nodded .

"Dorinda was mad at me said I've been acting weird and she hasn't been seeing much of me these past months. " Karen told him.

"They do miss you, Twinkie asks about you all the time during our calls. Said you haven't been active with her much. " Drew said continuing to rub his wife's feet.

"Yeah... and Jack makes it so hard to avoid her!" Karen said.

"She'll end up coming here and dragging your lil behind to her house. " Drew said joking.

"Are you calling my butt flat Drew?" Karen asked him.

"Now baby you know what I meant... that butt is no way close to flat." Drew assured his wife.

"Oh so it's fat? " Karen asked with an attitude and Drew rubbed his temple.

"It's the perfect size baby. " Drew said.

"It's my favourite size. " he told her.

"You like it?" Karen asked in her raspy voice going up straddling Drew.

"I love it!" Drew said.

"Show me how much. " Karen said and Drew knew that his wife was now entering the sexual peak phase of her pregnancy.

He took off her dress and looked over her pregnant belly and gorgeous boobs and he got hard her boobs were perkier and her ass was definitely bigger.

He told Karen to lift a little bit as he got his pants out the way, setting his hard shafts free and he entered his wife.

Karen let out small moans on top of him and started riding Drew right on top of the couch.

Drew met her rides with his thrusts and all that was heard in the room was sex noises and grunts and loud moans. They didn't even hear when the door opened.

"Oh my Lord!" Kierra yelled out of impulse and covered her eyes.

"What did I do to deserve this, I need and eye cleanser!" Kierra said quickly leaving the room, she heard her parents having sex but this time she caught them and it was a very vivid visual.

Of course she has caught her parents before a couple of times when she was younger but she has never actually seen them naked and worse they were on the couch.

"Drewww oh my God." Karen cried out of embarrassment.

"Karen we're almost done let's finish. " Drew moaned out pushing Karen back to him.

"What?" Karen asked wanting to laugh at her husband.

"Come here girl. " Drew chuckled and they continued their session until each of them reached their climax.

"Oh God , I love you so much. " Drew moaned calming down from his climax.

"You better, I'm the best decision you've ever made." Karen said.

They got up and put their clothes on and Drew tried cleaning up and took the cover that was on the sofa to the machine.

Karen sprayed air fresher along the room , in case Kierra would complain because she knew that her daughter was dramatic.

She walked upstairs and knocked in Kierra's room.

"Kierra. " Karen called out softly .

"Come in!" Kierra yelled and Karen opened the door getting in.

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