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Jordan and Karen have been living around each other, he hasn't hit her or try to force himself on her and Karen thought it was really nice that he didn't, he had been showing her signs of change and was super gentle with her.

He cooked for her and they helped each other around the house. He would cuddle up with her and kiss her forehead when they were chilling and just watching a movie and he slept in a separate room. He showed her consistency in treating her with care and Karen didn't know how she was feeling about that. Her mind wasn't making any sense ever since she was locked up, it's like she lost it and was adapting to the new normal that her life had become and she was numb.

She didn't even overthink about her family... thinking about them hurt too much and she numbed it, she also hasn't spoken a word, which Jordan had no problem with to her surprise because it's been really long. He would leave her to the house for work or something he would say not even knowing what type of work he does or where he even gets the money and he would come back to make dinner or he brings out takeaways and he trusted her with everything.

Today Jordan was out the house again even if he wasn't going to work and Karen was left in there, she had been left in the house before and she knew Jordan trusted her and honestly she wasn't going to try anything also.

Karen walked into Jordan's office knowing she's not supposed to be in there and she just curiously looked around it. She sat on his computer and she just clicked on it for nothing really it had no Internet connection so there wasn't anything to do on it really and even in her normal life she wasn't that good at working electronics... once she was done being a child and snooping around she went back to the living and sat on the couch to watch TV. 

Jordan came back and he greeted her kissing hee forehead and he sat next to her and watched with her. Karen stole glances to look at Jordan and would wonder what went through his mind... what was his plan with her?

Once they had their TV time , Jordan got up as usual and started cooking, he loved living this simple life with Karen even if she wouldn't talk to him, he just loved her presence and being able to kiss or cuddle up under her... they did their normal routine , eat , clean up, and go their separate ways.

Karen took her shower and after she was done and got into the bed just thinking then she finally hummed herself to sleep until she drifted off to sleep. It's what she did everyday after she was locked up for a month in that terrible place, it helped her sleep because it was what she would do.

It was in the middle of her sleep when Karen heard her door swing open making a lot of noise and she shot up to see Jordan charging in, she immediately got scared... this was it, he finally was going to show his true colours.

"You don't listen do you Karen?!!" Jordan yelled at her and Karen covered her face thinking he was going to smack her.

"I told you to not try to escape! " Jordan said, Karen just shook her head and made "no" gestures with her hands and he picked up and threw her over his shoulder with Karen fighting to get off but he gripped tightly.

Karen didn't know what he was talking about, she hasn't tried to escape since the last time and she knew that she wasn't ever going to try to escape so why was he doing this? Where was he taking her? She then realised where Jordan was taking her as he headed to the basement.

Karen wanted to cry when she realised it, she didn't want to go back in there... she would do anything not to go back in there it was the most terrible place to be and she wouldn't wish it on her worst enemy even on Trisha who laid her hands on her daughter.

Jordan got in the basement and put Karen down , Karen didn't know if she should run but she couldn't run since there was no where to run to and getting out the basement will only get Jordan even more mad.

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