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"Shit shit Karen!" Jordan moaned , this was the best sex he's ever had Karen was putting it down for him really good.

"You like this? " Karen asked moving her hips as he rode Jordan watching him losing his senses.

Karen bounced on his dick faster causing her ass clap and Jordan smacked her ass.

"Move that ass baby girl." Jordan said meeting Karen's bounces also.

"I wanna show you I love you Jordan." Karen let out moving on top of him, she was getting tired because of the baby but she was determined to cum and make Jordan cum. She was on a mission to get to the knives that were on the counter.

"I know you do... fuck I know you do baby." Jordan let out happily and pulled Karen in by her neck kissing her.

"Marry me Karen." Jordan said and Karen wanted to shoot her eyes at him so badly.

"I will marry you, I'm yours forever. " Karen whispered and she she felt water fall out of her as she kept bouncing on him.

"Shit Karen you squirted all over. " Jordan moaned out impressed with himself.

"Jordan that wasn't a squirt. " Karen said realising what just happened .

"What?" He asked holding Karen's hips .

"My water broke. " Karen said frozen.

"WHAT? " He said and Karen got up from him.

"You gotta call an ambulance Jordan. " Karen told him in panic .

"Are you crazy ? No fuckin way!" Jordan said .

"Jordan I'm not full term, something could be wrong with the baby!" Karen yelled.

"You just induced my labour in a way. The situation is way too stressful." Karen said.

"Karen you're not fucking going to the hospital, your ass stays here! " Jordan said and he looked over at Kierra.

"You!" Jordan pointed at her and Karen looked at her worried.

"You're gonna help your mother.  " Jordan said.

And Karen felt a jolt of pain, everything was happening so fast... this baby was coming in fast.

"Oh no, no... it's happening. " Karen said walking away from Jordan.

Jordan got his gun out and went to untie Kierra.

"Stay here, we're gonna fetch some towels. " Jordan said to Karen.

"Don't do anything stupid or I'll kill her. " Jordan said.

"Walk Kierra. " Jordan said pointing a gun at her.

Karen quickly got up and got a knife she tried searching for Kierra's phone right there but she couldn't find it and the pain was slowing her down.

She quickly got back to where she was hiding the knife under the carpet and she started sweating out. She was worried this baby was coming in very fast . It took her other kids 5 to 10 hours in labour but with this one, she felt like pushing even. She thought maybe it was because she was in distress.

Kierra and Jordan came in with Kierra holding a bowl of water and Jordan holding the towels behind her.

"How are you doing mommy?" Kierra asked and Karen smiled. Even after all the things she did and said to Jordan Kierra was speaking to her, she thought she wouldn't speak to her ever again.

"I am ready to push Ki. It's too soon. " Karen cried.

"I can't do it, it's too early. " She cried out.

"You can do this mommy... you can do this I know you can now breathe in and out. " Kierra told her mother.

Karen started preparing herself to push , with the help of her daughter she sat there trying to push out the head of Jordan's baby. She didn't even care to find out if it was a boy or a girl, her husband would always call it "baby girl" when he would talk to it over her belly. He had his own tummy time with it and he would enjoy when it kicked and he'd massage the belly with oils and it pained Karen that he was not there... it pained her that he'll never be there.

"Goshhhhh, get it out already!" Karen yelled still pushing.

"You got it mommy, come on do a big push! "Kierra encouraged.

"I am doing a big push Ki" Karen said back at her.

"And they're good, keep doing them mommy I got you ." Kierra said and the words were comforting to Karen and she made a big push from deep inside of her.

"The head is out mommy, good job. Keep pushing!" Kierra yelled being happy, she didn't know what she was doing but she was determined to be there for her mother during this.

"Aaaahhhhhhhhh " Karen yelled giving one last push and she heard a screaming baby.

"It's a girl!! " Kierra yelled but her heart felt a pang, the child was a newborn but there was no doubt that that was Jordan's child.

"Give me the scissor. " Karen said at Jordan and he fetched it and gave her the scissor.

Karen cut the umbilical cord from the baby and Kierra got up and cleaned her up.

"I need to clean up and fetch her things and clothes from upstairs. " Karen said to Jordan who looked absolutely terrified and he nodded.

"Come on Ki, you're coming with us so you don't do anything stupid. " Jordan said.

They got in Karen's room and Jordan took all the devices that were in there and locked them away from them. Kierra sat in the bed fixing up the baby finishing cleaning her off .

Jordan locked the bedroom door and took the key with him to the bathroom where Karen was and found her cleaning herself up.

"I didn't think I could love you anymore than I did, but then you gave me the greatest give ever Karen... thank you. " Jordan said and Karen looked down.

She didn't feel anything for the baby, she hated her yet the cruellest man she knows loves her and she's the one that gave birth to her.

She continued cleaning herself up and she put a pad on her panties and got dressed. It's been 3 hours since Jordan attacked them and she was tired and hungry.

"Mommy I think she's hungry. " Kierra yelled and Karen passed Jordan getting out of the bathroom.

"Let's go back downstairs, her formula is in the cabinets down there. " Karen said walking in her limp. Her body felt terrible.

"You're not going to breastfeed her?" Jordan asked looking over at his baby who was held by Kierra... she was dressed up and tucked warmly.

"Jordan please. " Karen said tiredly so , she wasn't planning on breastfeeding ever since Drew wanted to keep the baby and she told him this.

That's why Drew had everything prepared,  Karen wasn't interested in buying and doing anything and Drew and Kierra handled everything from the clothes and things to the nursery that was gender neutral.

"Karen you're going to breastfeed her!" Jordan said sternly .

"That wasn't our plan Jordan. " Karen said to him.

"Who's our? Because I definitely didn't plan that about my child. " Jordan said and Karen had no energy to fight him.

"Let's just get downstairs.  " Karen told him and they moved with Kierra holding the baby .

When they got downstairs Karen immediately went to the food that they ordered and took out three plates to dish the food out so they can eat. The baby was screaming out and Kierra was trying to calm her but she wouldn't budge.

"Mommy , I think she's really really hungry . " Kierra said to her mother.

"I have the water on to make her bottle Ki, I'll give it to you so you can feed her. " Karen said.

"Karen you're going to breastfeed that baby, Kierra give her to your mother and you'll make the food. " Jordan yelled and Kierra walked towards her mother with the baby but Karen busied herself .

Jordan saw that Karen was avoiding Kierra and it was starting to piss him off.

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