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"Jordan please... she's just a baby! " Karen screamed.
She was screaming in her sleep having a nightmare about her experience. Drew would wake her up every other night because of the dreams that she would have.

"Baby, baby wake up!" Drew said shaking Karen up and Karen quickly got up from her dream and she started crying.

"Shhh, I'm here honey. " Drew said holding her closer to him tightly.

"They have to find him Drew, I can't live like this. " Karen cried.

"Karen he's dead. " Drew said, his wife has been having thoughts that Jordan was alive for the past 4 months.

He was in the hospital and he somehow managed to escape the police, they got in a chase with him and he jumped into a river. They said he died because they never saw him get out but they also didn't find a body , they thought maybe the river washed it away. They kept shooting into the water when Jordan jumped and their bet was he was dead.

But Karen didn't think so, she was scared all the time and the loner that she was once disappeared as she didn't want to be alone.

"Drew I'll believe that the day I see his body. " Karen cried in his arms.

"Maybe we should revisit therapy baby... " Drew told his wife.

"Where's Khloe? " Karen shot up, "it's 4 a.m and she didn't get up, it's unlike her." Karen said putting her slippers on and running to the nursery.

She got in the room and looked at her 5 month daughter who was just laying peacefully with some of her fingers in her mouth.

"Oh you sweet baby. " Karen said relieved that Khloe was actually there.

"Mommy is gonna need you to be loud , to cry or something baby. " Karen said to her daughter and Drew was right at the door looking at her.

"You know she's a quiet baby Karen. " Drew said.

"Yes but usually I can hear her through the monitor that she's awake. " Karen said.

"Well you were distracted by your nightmare and you know I can't hear her it's like you can feel when she's up. " Drew said.

"It's disturbing how quiet she is... I hate it, I can't know when something is wrong. " Karen said picking up Khloe and putting her so she can feed her.

"That's why we go to every checkup, to make sure nothing is wrong." Drew said walking up to her.

"Do you think it's the trauma she was in?" Karen asked.

"Now Karen... she's just a baby, maybe it's her personality. " Drew said to his wife .

"Your dad is making a small deal out of this Khloe, I hate it." Karen said.

"Give me my baby!" Drew said taking Khloe from Karen, "now sweet pea , your mom is being dramatic right? Tell her she's being dramatic. " Drew cooed at his daughter.

"She's a very gorgeous, healthy baby Karen... thank you." Drew said .

"For what?" Karen asked.

"For loving her enough for us to keep her. " Drew said .

"Thank you for loving her. " Karen told him.

"Woman... I loved her first. " Drew said and he got out of the nursery and went to their room.

Karen was left in the nursery and she thought of everything 'maybe I'm being paranoid. ' Karen thought. She thought that Drew was right, she should go to therapy so she can live her life and be healthy enough to raise her baby girl.

Although she felt like most of the time she wasn't raising her... Kierra was there all the time with Khloe and she treated her like her own daughter which Karen didn't mind. Kierra would take Khloe when her and Drew wanted a full night's rest together, some private time with no fear of waking Khloe up and she appreciated that.

Khloe also had mothers in her sisters who couldn't keep their hands off of her, Khloe was a pretty chill baby, she has never heard Khloe cry besides that night and all her family members said that she cried the month that she was in a coma it was only after they were reunited that she had stopped crying.

Karen walked over to her room and saw her husband holding who laid with their baby in his chest. Drew kept proving to Karen that he loved this baby no matter how many times she would doubt if he was truly okay, he kept on proving everyday that Khloe was his princess.

"Is she asleep?" Karen asked getting closer to the bed.

"Nope, she's just chilling. " Drew said .

"Well she wouldn't be chilling if you would stop making her laugh and just calm her down." Karen said laughing and getting on the bed with them.

"She's just too cute to not play with, you can play with her all day long and not get tired. " Drew said.

"Make her sleep Drew... talkin about playing. We should go to sleep!" Karen whisper yelled.

"Shhhh, we're getting there Karen." Drew whispered back.

"You better or I'm taking my baby from you just as how you took her from me." Karen said and she laid closer to Drew so she can access Khloe's face.

"I will go to therapy. " Karen said .

"Are you serious? " Drew asked his wife and Karen nodded.

"What made you change your mind?" He asked her.

"Her " Karen said looking at a sleepy Khloe, "... and you." she said.

"I wanna be as healthy as possible mentally and physically so I can be there to see her grow and I can be there to spend the rest of my life and grow old with you. " Karen said.

"Oh God is so good. " Drew said.

"I could kiss you but I don't want to shake her up." He said.

Karen wanted peace in her life , she had a beautiful family who loved her back,  a beautiful career. A husband who loved her , a daughter who needed her and she wanted to live her life peacefully despite the tragedies that have happened to try and break her.

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