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Karen now had to face telling her sisters about why she was so distant for the past couple of months.
All her sisters were worried about her but Dorinda was really mad, but Karen knew that she couldn't tell Dorinda because she couldn't keep a secret from the sisters even if she tried... she knew her sister.

Everyone at church would look at her differently for being pregnant at her age, it was weird to her because she was a married woman but they did. It was like they were judging her for having sex at her age, there were however a lot of people who were happy for her.

Just that other people you would be able to tell from their eyes that they were judging her but she didn't care about that... she was going to be more worried when the baby comes and she didn't look like her husband or the rest of their kids. Were they supposed to tell the members about the child's paternity? It wasn't any of their business though.

Her and Drew planned on telling her sisters at their family lunch after church , they haven't had that in a while also.

After church everyone rode to Karen's house where they usually have their dinners even though Karen wasn't the one who usually cooks them. Jacky did and they would bring the food over.

"Jacky thank you for always feeding us really. " Twinkie said, they were all sitting at the table with their kids everywhere else. Karen had asked for it to be just them at the table so they could talk.

"Yeah this is really good Jacky. " Greg said eating his food up.

"Man you eating like you ain't fed!" Dorinda said hitting his arm.

"Look at Karen... Karen you better eat and feed that baby!" Jacky said, it looked as if Karen didn't even touch her plate.

Karen was nervous , she didn't know how to break the news to her sister and she kept looking at her husband for help.

"How do you feel about having another baby Karen?" Twinkie asked.

"I mostly feel like I messed up because these are the years I'm supposed to be resting and taking it easy you know? But I guess a baby is a gift from God and all." Karen said sounding like she wanted to convince her own self.

Drew knew what his wife really meant,Karen has been making it clear to him that she didn't want the baby, he thought that she will soon warm up to the baby but Karen sounded more more hateful towards it everyday and he didn't know how to feel because his wife was never a hateful person. But again his wife had never been raped before so he understood that it would be difficult.

"Now honey, don't worry, I'll still take you to your vacations and spoil you rotten, you won't even feel that there's a new baby in the house. " Drew said holding his wife's hand and Karen smiled a little bit.

"I would never want to go through that again, you know Karen when you get to 60 your baby will be like 9 or 10." Dorinda said.

"I know that Dorinda, don't remind me... I didn't plan for all of this!" Karen yelled at her, which she really didn't mean and it just got out.

"I'm sorry Doe, I just... it's difficult is all, my hormones are all over the place. " Karen said.

"It's okay but girl don't scream at me like that... I might just forget you're pregnant. " Dorinda said.

"Oh Dorinda you know Karen would whoop your little behind." Jacky said laughing trying to break the tense atmosphere.

"I'm sorry okay... " Karen said.

They continued to eat and changed subjects.

"Where's Jordan? I haven't been seeing in church and you know this food wouldn't still be here." Dorinda asked.

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