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On the other side of life at home Khloe and her siblings were having a tough time trying to help their father... Drew.

He turned into a different man not being able to cope without his wife and started abusing substance, he would be drunk every night and not be seen during the day but only by Khloe who would help him off the floor to take him upstairs or cleanup after him and make him some food since her brother would be working during the day.

The first time Drew got home drunk Khloe was worried about him because he wasn't home and it was really late. She called her brother and sister to tell them and they came and waited for him with her.

He came back at 3 a.m , not being able to walk and everyone was shocked... this was 7 months after their mother went missing. Kierra and J Drew didn't know what to do or say. He was doing okay, trying for the first months but he gave up after a while and he gave himself into alcohol to numb himself.

When he did Kierra and J Drew helped putting him in his bed and Khloe sat on his bed with him and Drew cried himself to sleep in the arms of his daughter and that just broke Khloe's heart. Seeing her father the strongest soldier of God she knew go down a very dark place and she didn't know how to help him.

J Drew moved in the house to help Khloe with their dad after they realised his drinking was becoming a habit because they still wanted her to be a child and focus on school, but Drew would only listen to Khloe because he felt bad that he was putting her through this even if he couldn't fight the addiction.

Khloe managed to convince Drew to go to rehab and he did but a few weeks after he came back he started drinking again and he kept promising that he will stop.

She cried herself to sleep most of the nights because she had lost both of her parents, she saw her father change right in front of her eyes and she couldn't do anything about it and she had no idea where her mother was or if she was even alive.

She still didn't talk really but she would talk to only her father even if it would be a dry conversation or just an argument.

Her aunts and Kierra would be the one's forcing and convincing her to go to church, she really didn't like going especially with the things she would hear about her mother and father. People talking about how her father travels all the bars across Detroit in the middle of the night or how her mother probably ran away with another lover to start a different life somewhere else.

Her family was the main topic all around Detroit, the bullying at school got worse because of it. She hated her life, and she needed her mother now more than ever. Guilt killed her because she has spent her last time with her being difficult to her, she wasted time with her mother and ran away and she lost her after she came back.

Like usual she would come back home from school and expect to see her dad on the couch either passed out or drinking. She opened the door and she found him on the couch... passed out.

She sighed and went over to him.

"Dad." Khloe said shaking him up.

"Dad!!" She said and Drew woke up.

"Oh, hey sweet pea... how was your day?" Drew said

"You should go to bed. " Khloe said to him.

"I'm okay , I just want to talk to my daughter. " Drew said.

"About what?" she asked.

"Anything , how was school?" Drew asked.

"School was shit as usual. " Khloe said.

"I told you to stop all that cussing Valencia. " Drew said to her.

"Will that make you stop drinking?" Khloe asked him and Drew rubbed his temple... he honestly walked into that one.

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