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(I don't know any police stuff so I don't want to write about it.)

Both Khloe and Karen refused to go to the hospital after they got to the station, they rode in the back of the police vehicle when they were moved from the house and they didn't say a word to each other.

J Drew helped his mom get in the back of his car and Khloe got in the front... it was at night and they were at the station all day , Karen didn't want to speak and since she was a victim in the case they let her go allowing her to go back home and they'll review the case. Although Khloe told her statement , Karen kept being silent and didn't want to say anything.

They all drove in silence and no one said a thing, even though J Drew was glad that both his sister and mom are safe he knew deep down that things weren't going to be the same.

He got to the house and saw the cars of everyone in the family parked outside. He called his sister Kierra while at the station telling her that he has mom and Khloe and he figured that was why every car was gathered there.

As he parked he helped Karen get out the car and she looked lost, scared and confused and Khloe got inside the house.

As they all got inside the house with J Drew helping Karen in everyone was shocked seeing Karen, they all had tears streaming down their faces.

"Mommy!!!" Kierra yelled running to her mother to hug her and Karen flinched at her.

"Mom?" Kierra said.

"Karen... Karen are you okay?" Jack asked and Karen just stood there.

"Mommy it's me... Kierra. " Kierra said.

"She's not dumb Ki, she knows who you are she just needs time that's all. " Khloe said getting irritated at how they were hovering over Karen.

"One police officer said that she might have Stockholm syndrome or disassociation disorder or a cognitive decline , we have to take her to therapy to make sure she doesn't or if she does that she gets help she needs."J Drew said to his family.

"Does that mean she doesn't really know what's going on?" Erica asked.

"It means a lot of things, but that was just a theory because they don't know anything they just got it from Khloe saying she was having sex with Jordan so a professional will have to diagnose her." J Drew said and all of the family were shocked.

"Karen... Karen can we hug you?" Dorinda asked her and Karen just looked at her then she finally nodded.

"Oh baby sister... I missed you so much." Dorinda said crying . All her sisters got into the hug the hug crying with her, Karen felt a tear come out of her eye and she blinked it away as it fell.

Khloe looked at them reunite with her mother , her heart warmed up a little but she was still mad at Karen.

"Oh mommy " Kierra said and she hugged her mother also.

Karen hugged her eldest daughter back and gave her a squeeze and after she got out of her embrace she saw a stroller. Karen walked towards it and everyone looked as she did, she saw a sleeping Khalia and she looked so grown and Karen cried a bit. She unbuckled her and looked up at Kierra and Erica for approval and Erica nodded and she took Khalia out her stroller and just sat down with her on the sofa as she slept in her nana's arms.

"Where's dad?" Khloe asked looking between them.

"We don't know, he's not answering his phone."Kierra said replying her little sister.

"He's probably out there drinking. " Jacky said.

"Jacky! " Twinkie warned.

"What? We all know that it's true!" Jacky said.

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