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"Khloe honey what's the matter?" Drew said , he at least had the gut to ask the question that Karen had been wanting to ask.

"You know your mom and I have never hit you so why are flinching?" Drew asked her once more and Khloe got out of Karen's embrace.

"I just thought you were since I never spoke to you like that... I am really sorry mom." Khloe said lying and she wiped off her tears.

"You don't speak to your mother like that, especially if you don't know for sure what is going on you hear me?" Drew said being careful not to come off to harsh because he could see that Khloe was sorry.

"Then can you guys please tell me what's going on?" Khloe said, she really was tired of not knowing and she was pulled side to side by different stories.

"Yes honey, let's sit down." Karen said softly.

"Khloe what do you know about Jordan... David?" Karen asked.

"uh... he works in tech, grew up with his mother he lived here until he moved because he was heartbroken that the love of his life didn't pick him and didn't want him near his child. He said he couldn't fight for me because you were married and he didn't want to ruin your life, he loved you even in the pain you caused him. " Khloe said and Karen couldn't believe the lies Jordan told.

"He is really sweet and loving , he takes care of me and takes interest in the things I am interested in. " Khloe said and Karen and Drew looked at each other realizing that Khloe has really fallen for Jordan, which makes this more harder than it already was.

"Well sweet pea here's the truth. " Karen started and Drew placed a comforting hand on her.

"Jordan was 26 when Kierra introduced him to us... he was super respectful and sweet and he made your sister very happy at the time." Karen said and she paused.

"Ki? What does Kierra have to do with anything?" Khloe asked.

"Just listen to your mother sweet pea." Drew said and Khloe nodded.

"A year after Jordan was engaged to Kierra , they were going to get married. " Karen said and she watched as shock and confusion hit Khloe's face. She probably thought her mother slept with Kierra's fiancé.

"I didn't have an affair with Kierra's fiancé Khloe. " Karen said.

"I didn't say that. " Khloe defended.

"Yeah but that was what you thought. " Karen said.

"Nuh.uh I'm just listening like daddy said I should. " Khloe said and Drew looked between them, both women were so similar and they didn't even know it.

"I was left with Jordan one night and it was just us inside the church that was the night that he sexually assaulted me. " Karen said .

"What?! No!" Khloe said and tears threatened to come to her face.

"Khloe listen to your mother. " Drew said and Khloe looked at him.

"There's more?" Khloe asked not being able to handle it.

"That's just the beginning baby. " Drew said and he let Karen continue.

"That was the first time he raped me, he would rape me every other chance he could get, hit on me , hold me at gun point to take me to his house or hotels, motels areas far away. He would- that man hurt me so much Khloe he did unspeakable things to me and would tell me it's all because he loved me. " Karen said.

"Why didn't you go to the police?" Khloe asked trying to face what Karen was telling her and Drew got up and went to his office.

"Because baby, Jordan was in a relationship with Kierra, I wasn't the only one affected Kierra was too and he would threaten to kill her." Karen said.

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