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"Karen stop that baby was nothing but sweet." Drew said as both him and his wife were laughing.

"Keep telling yourself that Drew there was nothing sweet about our rascal.." Karen said, they were talking about their kids as babies because Khalia was giving them a hard time when she had to sleep.

"You're right though, our only sweet baby was Khloe." Drew said and he looked at the mood scared that it would be awkward.

"Yeah but later we got to find out why she was sweet, she grew up to be a quick smart mouth... a whole lot of mouth and clap backs." Karen said confidently not feeling weird about talking about her which felt good.

"She did have a mouth..." Drew said and Karen nodded .

"You two would always gang up on me, it wasn't nice." Karen said

"You were easy to mess with honey " Drew said chuckling... " I miss her." he confessed .

"I miss her too." Karen said.

"She was my special girl... I wouldn't say she was my favorite child but she was my favorite person in general you know? It was like how you understood J Drew and me Kierra then she came and we understood her together, the both of us knew her and got her. She was crazy, and overall a man's best friend." Drew said

"I know what you mean, you were her favorite person also. She would always say that, one time when she was 6 she spent a month calling you the bible man agent behind your back and it was the funniest thing as she did it." Karen said.

They had been sitting on the floor on Kierra's carpet having conversations and reminiscing for the past hour. Kierra and Erica were late, they had to be home three hours ago. But they enjoyed Khalia she kept them on their toes and they had fun feeding her and getting her ready for bed. She didn't want Drew to leave her sight when she wanted to sleep.

Karen and Drew sat there in silence and they stared at each other for a while until Drew leaned closer to her and pulled her into a kiss.

"We're home!"they heard their daughter yell and they quickly pulled away from each other.

"Heeyyyy!" Karen said.

"I'm sorry we late ya'll, Kierra got careless with our time." Erica said.

"It's okay, I enjoyed putting Khalia to sleep."Drew said and Karen shook her head.

"He's lying... he didn't AT ALL!" Karen said and everyone laughed.

" We understand... Khalia does way too much. " Erica said.

"Yeah, I have to sing her a thousand songs or read a lot of books before she decides she wants to calm down." Kierra said.

"Well she takes after you... giving you a taste of your own medicine..." Karen said and they laughed, " well I have to get going it's already late and I don't want to seem rude coming in late in a house that's not mine." Karen said getting up.

"Can I catch a ride with you?" Drew asked also getting up.

"uh... sure." Karen said.

"Thank you." he let out, "Bye honey... thank you for fetching me." Drew said hugging Kierra then Erica.

"I love you guys... Kierra I will be needing your help with the house search if you don't mind." Karen said.

"Not at all mommy, I would be happy to help."Kiera told her mother and she hugged her.

"Bye E. " Karen said to Erica and hugged her also. 

Karen and Drew left their house and they got in Karen's car, Karen didn't know what she got herself into... the drive was going to be really long. They rode the car in silence with only the radio playing until they got to their house to drop Drew off.

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