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It was at night when their flight landed, they spent the entire day with the sisters and they got to spend some time loving on Khloe as they cooked just having quality family time inside the hotel. When they prepared to leave Drew told Karen that he wanted to fetch her at the airport and Karen thought that it would be perfect since she had a surprise for him.

"Daddy!" Khloe yelled and she jumped into Drew's arms.

"Oh my lord... hey sweet pea!" Drew let out wrapping his arms around his little and tears started forming into his eyes. He had to fetch Karen at the airport and he didn't believe the surprise that came with that. 

"My sweet girl, Daddy missed you so much." Drew said hugging her tightly.

"Dad, I can't breathe " Khloe said and Drew kept hugging her.

"Drew my daughter can't breathe, we just got her don't kill her now." Karen yelled out. And Drew pulled away to take a moment wiping his tears.

"Okay guys, we better be going since Drew didn't pick us up but his wife." Dorinda said .

"Yeah, our ride is right outside... we'll see you later Khlo-khlo." Jacky said hugging her.

"We love you, so happy you're back home." Twinkie said as she also hugged Khloe.

"Love you niece." Dorinda said as she did the same after Twinkie.

"I love ya'll aunties." Khloe said back.

"So I'm not getting any love?" Karen asked her sisters.

"Goodbye Kare." Jacky yelled leaving.

"Karen I just want to go home." Twinkie said and she hugged Karen.

"Okay, love you... LOVE YA'LL!" she yelled and they waved at her bye.

"Jacky wait, will you take my bags?" Karen yelled so Jacky can hear her.

"You coming home?" Jacky asked her turning back.

"Of course I am, if I sleep in that house I'll give my goodies to this man and we ain't ready for all that yet." Karen whispered to her sister.

"I didn't need to know all that now." Jacky said taking Karen's carry on.

"I'll see you at home, thank you." Karen said and Jacky left.

"You don't live with daddy mom?" Khloe asked getting into the car.

"She doesn't." Drew let out.

"It's a lot to explain honey... a lot has happened in the past year." Karen said to her daughter.

Khloe couldn't help herself but feel bad if it has happened in the past year that means she was the cause of things because that's how long she had been gone, she felt bad for being the reason why her parent's are apart.

"Did you guys break up?" Khloe asked lowly.

"No, no honey. We're still together." Drew told his daughter and the car ride got really quiet for a moment.

"You're surprised right?" Karen asked her husband smiling .

"Definitely! Where did you find her Karen?" Drew asked walking arm to arm with his daughter and kissed her on her forehead.

"She was at a party that we performed at... in the audience and I ran after her." Karen said.

"Now why was she at a party? You're not 16 yet young lady. " Drew joked but he really was serious.

"I guess it wasn't much of a wild party if the Clark sisters were part of it. " Drew said

"Why really?" Karen asked Khloe.

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