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(It's starting to feel rushed, I'm sorry.)

Karen woke up and felt that she was on the floor, her hands were tied and so were her legs... she had a blind fold around her eyes and it was dark she couldn't see anything she breathed heavily starting to panic.

The last thing she remembers before being knocked out was her running and trying to fight of two men in her house and one finally caught up to her and she was drugged. Only one person was capable of doing this to her.

"Hey baby." Karen heard a voice, it was very very deep.

Karen just looked around even though she could not see what was happening around her.

He walked over her and he removed the blindfold from her. Karen looked around the space and it looked to most likely be a basement, there was nothing in it though only her and Jordan .

"You missed me?" Jordan asked looking into her eyes. And Karen got quiet, she didn't have anything to say to this man.

"I didn't mean to shoot you baby, I'm sorry. " Jordan said .

"Karen? " Jordan said and Karen just kept quiet.

"You're not speaking to me now?" Jordan asked and Karen just sat there.

"I'm not going to hurt you baby, I'm a changed man. " Jordan said.

"You're going to be here a very long time Karen, so here's what we can do, we can live here comfortably without me having to do anything to you and we can be cool unless you keep trying to run off or some shit like that, then everytime you try we will have a problem and there will be consequences because I will catch you. " Jordan said.

"We are in the woods Karen, no one can hear anything, no neighbours, it's completely abandoned so I suggest you behave yourself understood? " Jordan asked and Karen still didn't say anything.

"Karen!" Jordan yelled and he walked up to her face.

He was getting frustrated with her but he wasn't going to do anything to her he wanted her to believe that he had changed .

Jordan left the room and Karen finally felt like she could breathe, she wanted to cry but that wouldn't help her no way ever since this man cane into her life she's been crying... why did this keep happening to her, why couldn't she catch a break? She was so mad, mad that shit keeps happening in her life.

Drew on the other hand felt like he was losing his mind, it's been 3 days since Karen's disappearance and he couldn't function , he knew he had to be strong for his kids but he wanted his wife. Everyone was hurt and they couldn't stop crying but no one knew what happened to Karen, the police didn't even know where to start searching or what to search for.

He saw his family get shattered and Khloe was slowly isolating herself from everyone which Drew didn't know how to help her... he couldn't even help himself.

"Karen can't catch a break ya'll... this is too much. "Twinkie said .

"I'm also worried about that little girl in that room, she's going to turn into somebody we don't know really soon." Jacky said to them.

They were at Karen's house everyday after her disappearance making sure that Khloe and Drew ate, and they weren't going crazy, Kierra had Erica by her side even when she wanted to be in her mother's house. J Drew was just angry all the time not understanding why this kept happening to his mother.

"We will just have to pray for her and ask God to give us the strength so we can be able to pull her into herself again." Twinkie said , and Jacky agreed.

As for Dorinda she wasn't herself, she was quiet all the time and only spoke when she needed to. She didn't feel like anything really she was just so sad all the time. Seeing Karen gone and her kids and family breaking was too much for everybody.

The night came and everyone left the house leaving Drew and Khloe to them self. Drew got out his bed and went to Khloe's room. He knocked at the door and he got in.

"Hey sweet pea." Drew said lowly and Khloe only looked at him.

"I just want a hug from my little girl. " Drew said and Khloe sat there in bed not moving a muscle. She didn't want to do anything or talk to anyone, not even her dad.

"Khloe... we have to stick together in this... just promise me that you will try." Drew said , he didn't know how to pull her in anymore.

"I love you. " Drew said and he got out and closed the door not wanting to disturb her any further.

Karen spent the 3 days silent not wanting to eat, she didn't even know what day it was or if it was late in the night or early in the day. The room always had the light on Jordan would bring food and water and she wouldn't want to take them the only thing Jordan could force down her throat was water because she would spit the food right out.

"Karen." Jordan called out, he had just entered the room .

"I am going to untie you okay baby?" Jordan asked and Karen just looked at him.

Jordan got to her and he untied her hands and then he did her legs, as he was on her legs Karen quickly kicked him and then he kicked him again in the balls as he fell.

She quickly ran to the door as fast as her body would allow her and she opened it and got out of the basement , getting out she got up the house and ran around to look for the door when she found it, she saw that there was a code needed to open the door and Karen slammed on it angrily , her only hope.

She looked around the house further and she picked a knife out from the kitchen, looked around more to see that there was no other exist and Karen wanted to cry.

The windows had bars on them. She picked a chair up and slammed it on the glass parts of the house but it wouldn't break.
She had no out so she went back to the door to try different codes which were wrong.

She looked back and saw Jordan standing there amused, 'was he looking at her this entire time?' She thought.

"You can't leave Karen , I told you. " Jordan said and Karen put the knife she was holding up warningly.

"I also told you what will happen if you tried some shit like that right? " Jordan asked walking up to her and Karen was scared, what was he going to do to her?

"I have a gun and you have a knife Karen... don't be stupid. " Jordan said.

"Come on. " Jordan said and Karen wanted to, she was willing to fight him.

"Come here!" Jordan said and Karen got startled but she still stood there.

Jordan went to her, he slammed the knife away from her hands and picked her up as she was fighting hitting and punching on him and he went back to the basement, there was a little door and Jordan opened it. He fetched Karen as she got out the basement again and he threw her inside and locked it.

The room had little to no space even for movement it was like a tiny empty closet and Karen was locked inside it, she wanted to scream but she didn't want to use her voice with this man.

There was darkness all over and all Karen could hear were the breaths she was taking she felt like she was going crazy she was left to her mind and her mind alone. She didn't know what day it was but she knew she had been there for the longest time.

Jordan opened a small part of the door, it was a food pass through hole and she wondered ' did he prepared all of this? the doors,  the security , the far away from human kind just to trap her in here?' .

He gave her food and she was immediately startled , she quickly grabbed the food even though she couldn't see and she started to eat, and she drank the liquid inside the cup. She was so thirsty and so hungry she could've eaten her own self.

After eating Karen sat there again not knowing which position to sit in because she has sat in every one.

"Put the plate and cup out here." She heard Jordan say, and she did... she wanted to beg him, beg him to let her out but she just couldn't talk this man. She loathed him with every cell inside her body.

She started losing hope, being in that little room was causing her to lose her fighting spirit and it was like she had to convince herself to find hope because even her fighting spirit was digressing every single minute in the room was taking something out of her.

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