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"Karen take Alexis from Kierra now!" Jordan yelled and Karen kept on being busy avoiding Jordan. For some reason she wasn't scared of him, she was tired of him barking at them.

'Alexis' She thought, her husband had already given the kid a name if it was a girl. He was gonna call her Khloe and here was this man giving the kid a name.

"Karen... you're pissing me off! The baby is crying for you! What's wrong with you?!" Jordan yelled.

"Mommy , please just feed her. " Kierra begged.

Jordan got to her in a jolt and yanked Karen's hair shouting at her.

"Feed my damn child Karen!" Jordan yelled at her.

"I hate her! I don't want her! " Karen yelled with tears coming from her eyes and Kierra also started crying and Khloe was crying also now everyone was crying and Jordan was going crazy.

"Take that shit back!" Jordan yelled.

"NO!!" Karen yelled back and he slapped her across the face.

"Mommy !" Kierra cried.

"Shut the hell up Kierra!" Jordan yelled at her.

"You don't tell her to shut up Jordan , you shut up!" Karen yelled at him walking over to Kierra and taking the baby.

"Feed the baby. " Jordan said. "And you... finish the food. " Jordan said pointing at Kierra.

She sat on the floor next to where she placed the knife and took out her boob, she put her nipple over Khloe's mouth and helped her latch on.

Jordan looked at her , he was disappointed in her for hating their kid. He thought that Karen loved him deep down but her hating their daughter was changing everything for him. Maybe he should take his daughter and kill them all including Karen.

He wanted Karen though, he loved her ever since he saw her face when performing on TV. He fell in love with her hard and dreamt of her ever since . He didn't want anyone else and he didn't want to live if he can't have her anymore.

"She's done. " Karen said and gave Khloe to Jordan immediately.

Kierra gave her the food and she sat on the couch eating and Karen sat back there eating also, she heard as Jordan moved around cooing at Khloe busy calling her Alexis Jordan. He called her Alexis Jordan Kelly and Karen wanted to kill him right there and then.

"She's sleeping in her daddy's arms. " Jordan said beaming with pride.

"Give it here, she can sleep in this. " Karen told Jordan.

"Her Karen, her name's Alexis, don't make me hit you again. " Jordan told her giving the baby to Karen and she put her in the little bassinet.

Jordan was really over this whole night, he couldnt keep them in the house forever and he knew Drew would be pitching in the morning.

He looked over at Kierra who was too quiet for his liking and wondered what she was doing and when he saw her Kierra was trying to reach her phone that was there next to her couch.

"You bitch! " Jordan yelled going towards Kierra and he hit her. He slapped her grabbing her head and started kicking on her with his knee aimed at her stomach.

Karen immediately took out the knife from hiding and put it at the back of her shirt tucked in.

"Jordan stop hitting Kierra." Karen warned him and Jordan took out his gun and pointed it at Kierra.

"I'm tired of your daughter Karen, it's been about her all night. She's definitely dying now!" Jordan yelled and Karen saw that Jordan was too far for her to reach him and stab him. So she thought of the next best idea looking down at his " Alexis " .

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