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"Jordan I'm moving back for a couple of months until the baby is born then I'll be back. " Kierra said trying to make Jordan understand .

"I'm going to be in this house all alone? Come on Ki.  " Jordan said trying not to snap at Kierra.

"Come here. " Kierra said holding Jordan and kissing all over his face.

"I'll be back in no time, you won't even notice. " Kierra said .

"We talked about this a thousand times. " Kierra said.

"And I've never gave you permission to Kierra. " Jordan said and Kierra shot a look at him

" Excuse you?" Kierra said. And Jordan instantly regretted what he said because he didn't want to lose character with Kierra.

"I'm sorry baby" Jordan said pulling her in .

"You'll still come visit me often right?" Jordan asked.

"Jordan this is my house , I'm not leaving forever . " Ki said laughing .

The couple said their goodbyes with them kissing each other all over.

Kierra finally made it to her parent's house. She didn't really want to leave Jordan but she couldn't ask her parents if Jordan could also stay with them fearing it would be too disrespectful to them even if her and Jordan weren't having sex. She knew deep down that there was something up with Jordan, something strange but she couldn't put her mind to it.  He had been acting strange for the past months, not strange enough to question him but strange to worry about how he was and all.

"Hey Kiki, I'm so glad you're finally here. " Karen said going up to hug her daughter.

"Just 4 months mommy, just 4. " Kierra said sternly.

"I know! " Karen said clapping her hands excitedly like a little girl.

Karen was now 5 months into her pregnancy, she had been a lot better since she told her husband about Jordan. Her husband was always besides her even at church. He never let her out of his sight and he took her with him where he went and she  would do the same with him when it came to her and her sisters performances. It was a hard juggle with his pastoral duties but he was willing to push through it so Jordan doesn't get the chance to sneak on his wife as they were waiting for Kierra to move back home.

It was funny to Karen how the same baby she doesn't want was helping her save the baby that she had which was Kierra if she wasn't pregnant she wouldn't know how they would have had Kierra move into the house. They planned to tell Ki and go to the police the minute she moved in the house, that way she would also avoid meeting up with Jordan.

Jordan on the other hand wasn't happy about everything . He wasn't happy that Kierra was out of his sight and he wasn't happy that he hasn't touched or talked to Karen in two months. He hasn't even seen his baby grow in her belly but only from a distance in church. He was secretly stalking Karen and Drew's house , to see when Drew would leave Karen alone or when he wouldn't come back but he never did. He was always there or they were always not around and that really ticked him off. He wondered if Karen told him but he knew that she wouldn't do anything that stupid or if she did he would'vebeen arrested already.

"Karen we need to tell her now, she finished packing two days ago. " Drew said to his wife who had been making excuses about coming clean to Kierra.

"Yeah but I want her to be completely settled in. " Karen said.

"She doesn't need anymore settling honey. " Drew said.

"She does Drew. " Karen replied.

"Karen ? What's going on really don't you want to tell her? " Drew asked .

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