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"Drew that's a terrible colour choice honey, can you change it please?" Karen said to her husband.

"But Karen I like this tie. " Drew replied.

"I know you do honey, but look at that... it doesn't make sense at all. Unless you change the shirt then you can wear the tie. " Karen said.

They were getting ready for church, she was near her due date and she felt like the time to have this baby flew by and she wasn't really ready to meet the kid yet. Drew had shown her how much he loves the baby and would talk over her belly and rub on it enjoying his wife's pregnancy but Karen felt different. She wasn't warming up to the kid... not yet atleast. She was having a difficult time loving it.

Karen had gotten her life back though, she got Jordan arrested with the help of her husband and the last time she saw him they were in court and although he made bail the price was a lot and they knew Jordan wasn't going to get out.

She was with her family, surrounded by love all the time with her kids and sisters and her husband; her and Drew were going strong, they had a lot of sex and their relationship and love for each other grew stronger over the months everything was slowly getting back to how it was despite the dreams and nightmares she would have. That was the part she struggled with most and also having to see her daughter heartbroken over losing the man she thought had loved her.

After church Karen and Kierra drove back to the house, Karen didn't feel like doing anything or staying over with anyone this Sunday , she was heavily pregnant and tired she get over things really quickly so she let her husband stay and got back home with her daughter.

"Ki, your father called and said he's not gonna make it home so I we gonna have to order the food ourselves. " Karen said walking down the stairs .

"Why Daddy gotta let us know this late though? Most things are probably closed. " Kierra told her mom.

"You don't have to go crazy with the food, we can eat simple. " Karen said.

"You mommy? Simple? " Kierra said looking at her belly and Karen shot a look at her.

"Watch yourself! " Karen said pointing a warning finger at her.

"I'm sorry mommy, but you know you're not gonna be doing simple. " Kierra said laughing .

"Just be creative then, I'm gonna sit and watch a movie. " Karen said walking over the sofa.

After Kierra ordered she took some chips for a snack and sat with her mother and watched the movie wuty her. They were like 30 minutes into the movie and then they heard a knock at the door.

Kierra got up and fetched her purse so she can pay the man at the door and she went and opened it up.

"OH MY GOD! " Kierra yelled trying to close the door back with force.

"Ki stop that shit! " Jordan yelled pushing fighting the door with Kierra and he pushed her with the door and Kierra fell on the floor.

Karen heard the commotion since Kierra yelled and she got up and tried to go upstairs to get her phone.

"Karen I have my gun!!" Jordan yelled and Karen froze at her steps with Kierra on the floor next to Jordan's legs.

"I will shoot! " Jordan said pointing it at Kierra and Karen got back .

"Jordan please ." Karen pleaded.

"You had me arrested?!" Jordan yelled.

"What did I say about you making stupid decisions Karen?" Jordan asked her.

"Jordan I- " Karen said and she watched as Jordan pulled Kierra up by her hair grabbing her as if he wanted to hit her some and Karen quickly ran towards them.

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