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A week passed and Karen already had her first session in therapy, she was settling back into her house and rekindling with her kids and grandkids and she loved the love that she was given by her whole family.

The only person that was missing though was Khloe, she still lived in Dorinda's house and Karen hasn't seen her since that day when they left and when she would hear from Drew about her he would say that she says she is busy with school.

Karen understood that Khloe needed time but she also feared that she could possibly lose her. She saw a change in her family , especially her husband who would get up in the middle of the night and Karen didn't know why.

Drew got up in the middle of the night and after a few minutes Karen followed him and looked for him to see him being in his study.

"Drew. " Karen called as he switched on the light.
And Drew was holding a glass in his hand and he was shaking.

"Drew." Karen called out and she walked to him.

"Honey." Karen kneeled holding his hand.

"Baby give me the glass." Karen said and Drew was shaking.

"I'm going through withdrawals. " Drew said wanting to cry.

"I know honey... I know. " Karen said

"Have you been drinking?" Karen asked him and Drew nodded.

"Only a little bit. I... I just have a glass. " Drew said.

"It's okay honey. " Karen said to him.

"I'm an alcoholic . " Drew cried out.

"And I am sick in my head." Karen said and Drew laughed at the comment .

"Karennn" Drew said.

"No, I'm serious. We have to fight these things for each other Drew we only have each other and if we let this consume us then we are both going down together. " Karen said.

"What do you mean honey? " Drew asked.

"I mean if I lose to this disorder, you will go crazy and dive into your substance abuse even more. And if you lose to your addiction I would definitely go crazier than I already am... we need to beat this for each other baby. " Karen said.

"Now that's a crazy analogy. " Drew chuckled and Karen laughed.

"I'm sorry, I just... I'm getting it together. " Karen said.

"I understand what you're trying to say honey. " Drew told her.

"Although, I wouldn't love you any less if you had a drink every now and then... but I'm glad you're working your way to not drinking at all. J Drew and Ki told me everything and I'm proud of you honey. " Karen said to him.

"Now get up and sit on my lap, I know your knees must be mad at you. " Drew joked and Karen agreed and she sat on his lap.

"Can you believe we're going on over 40 years together?" Karen asked rubbing her hands on her head.

"Karen baby, don't do that." Drew said.

"Don't do what?" Karen asked.

"Your fingers across my head baby, that's never good for me." Drew said and Karen laughed.

"Oh right right , I'm sorry. " Karen laughed

"But you're right. I'm so glad that God gave me the wisdom to pick you as my wife. " Drew said.

"Speaking of God... do you think you will get back to being a bishop ?" Karen asked, they haven't went to church ever since they got back but they still prayed together.

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