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It had been a month that Jordan kept Karen in that room, he wanted to break her and show her that that's what she will get if she tries running again. He didn't enjoy doing this to her but he wanted her living with him knowing that she wasn't going anywhere.

Karen didn't even know how long it's been, to her it felt like a eternity in isolation , all she had to entertain herself was her mind and the songs she would hum... she had no toilet and had to go right in that little room, she would eat once a day of which she didn't know if it was a day or not. The place stinked now and Karen had been in there so long that she got used to the funk and it didn't bother her anymore. She didn't feel anything like she used to which worked in her favour really being in that situation but she still had a little hurt inside her.

"Karen. " Jordan called out, she hasn't spoken a single word ever since she got there.

"I'm opening up. " Jordan said and he opened up.

"Oh God, baby you stink. " Jordan said and Karen didn't get up.

"Give me your hand. " Jordan said covering he was wearing a mask, and gloves.

Karen gave him her hand, she was super confused but she did it anyway and he got her up, he picked her up bridal style as she was closed her eyes being blinded by so much light, she hasn't seen in a long time. She snuggled weakly into Jordan and he walked out the basement with her into the house, he went upstairs and entered the bathroom. He put her down and took off her the dirt that she was wearing filled with pee stains and other stuff. He picked her up again and put her in the tub , he took of his gloves and started cleaning her up. He washed her body and her hair making sure all the funk and dirt was off of her.

She was finally broken, the isolation broke her spirit and he hoped that now she would be obedient to him, she had lost a lot of weight looking at her but Jordan didn't care... he loved her in whichever way she looked. He loved even when she covered in piss and shit.

Jordan slowly started humming songs as he cleaned Karen trying to not miss not one spot, even her fingernails. He saw scars on her wrists not knowing what they were but he knew she wasn't going to tell him. He got worried again when washing her hair and thought that he saw blood stains on it, but he decided he would shrug it off.

Karen on the other hand was numb, but she knew this felt good , she wouldn't do anything to go back to that place, she wouldn't dare and she hoped that Jordan wouldn't take her back.

Jordan let the water out and rinsed her up and got her out.

"Go brush your teeth baby, there's mouth wash, a tooth brush... actually you should start by flossing first. " Jordan said.

Karen went over the basin and saw herself on the mirror, she wanted to cry... she was super pale and skinny, this wasn't her. A tear got out from one eye and she quickly wiped it away. Seeing herself just set her off she was glad she didn't see herself before when she was dirty because tears would've filled up the entire room.

"I will run you another bath and you can stay in the tub for as long as you want, I'm going to clean that little room , I'll be back to take a shower myself. "Jordan said .

He ran her another bath as she flossed and cleaned her teeth, he took the clothes on the floor and put them in a trashbag then he left the room.

After Karen finished her teeth she quickly got inside and washed herself over and over and over again even though she was already clean, she felt dirty, she felt like she would never be clean again.

Karen paused as she was aggressively cleaning herself and she cried, the first time she cried after Jordan took her and she cried so hard.

She splash her eyes with water after she felt like it was enough and she heard movement and knew Jordan was coming back.

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