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It was in the morning and Drew woke up and saw that Karen was still sleeping, he got up and took a shower and he went downstairs to make breakfast breakfast for his wife.

As he got downstairs he saw that all the family were already there, including Dorinda and Khloe and he figured that the others didn't really leave yesterday .

"Good morning. " Drew greeted everyone.

"Hey dad." "Good morning" "Hey" Drew heard from everyone.

"Where is Khalia and Erica?" Drew asked them.

"Erica drove with Khalia home late last night. " Kierra said. Everyone was pitching in to make breakfast as they were all in the kitchen.

"Oh... I looked forward to seeing her. Did Karen see her yet?" Drew asked 

"She held her yesterday but Khalia was knocked out... I had to take her out momma's arms so I can put her to bed " J Drew told him.

"Well I know Karen would love to see all the grand babies " Drew said and they agreed .

"Jacky I think that's enough food for everyone. " Twinkie said as Jackie was putting on more.

"I haven't cooked for Karen in a long time... I want her fed!! Plus she came back skinny, she needs that happy food weight back  ""Jacky said trying to be funny.

"Yeah but she won't gain weight all in a day... she will just get sick with all the fat... you can come cook for her everyday." Twinkie said 

"Also Karen would probably not mind if she kept being skinny, you know she always wanted to be on the skinny side  " Dorinda said and Drew rolled his eyes.

" Skinny or heavy or what... I'm just glad my baby sister is healthy. " Twinkie said.

"We don't know if she's healthy... she doesn't want to go to the hospital  " Dorinda said looking at Twinkie.

"Dorinda what is your problem!?" Twinkie asked her.

"Nothing, I'm just saying Karen needs to do a full body work up so we know for sure that she's healthy. " Dorinda said.

"Yeah but it's how you say these things Doe... you sound different towards her, and you were the one who didn't want to talk to anybody when she first disappeared. " Twinkie reminded her and Dorinda kept quiet.

"That's just messy aunty  " Kierra said.

"I hope no drama is caused for my momma today... even from you Khloe ." J Drew said looking at his little sister and Khloe shrugged her shoulders

"I just hope I won't have to kick anyone out today... I love you all but I love my wife more and won't hesitate to. " Drew said warning them.

"Where is mom? She's not coming down?" Kierra asked.

"She's still sleeping, she needs the rest, she was whimpering in her sleep at night. " Drew told them.

He slept on the chair in his room to try to give Karen space but when he heard her whimpers he got into bed and he held her tightly .

"Mom is gonna need therapy honestly, she can't get through this all alone. " J Drew said.

"You know the first time Karen agreed to go to therapy was because she wanted to have a healthy mind raising Khloe, I don't know how she will agree now because she will feel like she has no reason to get better." Drew said to them but his main focus was towards Khloe and she put her head down.

"Mommy's baby, but look at how she be doing her now." Kierra said .

"Kierra I'm right here." Khloe said.

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