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Karen's eyes fluttered open, she looked over were she was and she was surrounded by machines and heard them beeping.

The memories of that night crawled back into her brain and she started crying. And heard the machines start beeping louder and two nurses rushed to her in panic.

"Ma'am... Ma'am calm down. " one of them said to Karen.

Kierra was coming back from getting herself a snack and she saw that there was a bit of commotion coming from her mother's room.

"Mommy!" She heard Kierra call out and Karen calmed herself down.

The nurses took the tubes out off her carefully so Karen could get comfortable. And Karen cleared her throat and they gave her some water to drink

"Where's my daughter? Where's Khloe? " Karen asked Kierra  as she started crying.

"She's alright Mommy, she's home with Daddy. " Kierra said.

"Daddy? Drew? " Karen questioned with confusion

"Yes mom, Drew. " Kierra told her not knowing why her mother would ask her that and tears fell from her face.

"Oh my God he's alive, I need to see her... I need to see them. " Karen said she couldn't  believe that Drew was alive, she was confused how but she didn't care really as long as he was well and kicking then Kierra nodded.

"I'll call him for you. " Kierra said and got out of the room to make the call .

Karen couldn't believe her husband was alive really, she thought he died. And she felt like she was overwhelmed with happiness, and anticipated seeing him and Khloe to start over with her and apologise to her little girl.

"How are you feeling Mommy? " Kierra asked getting back in the room.

"I'm okay, how long have I been out? Are you okay? " Karen asked and Kierra nodded again.

"Almost a month, tomorrow is family prayer day where everyone comes in and prays for you. Do you want me to tell them you're awake or you want to take everything in first? " Kierra asked and Karen smiled at her sweet daughter.

"I just want to spend some time with Khloe, but what are you doing here then?" Karen asked.

"I never left your side... thank you saving my life Mommy.  " Kierra said hugging her mother.

"When we found you laying there I thought... I thought that you died. " Kierra said with tears coming out her eyes.

"Baby, I would save your life over and over and over again if I could... no doubt, you don't have to thank me. Kierra you and your siblings are my heart. " Karen said.

"I'm sorry that you had to witness Jordan and I do all that in front of your eyes. I wasn't trying to-" Karen tried to explain before she was cut off.

"I understand Mommy, you did what you had to do. You saved my life multiple times that night. " Kierra told her mother.

"That was just... it was really disturbing, I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of those words or things I did It's just with Jordan he gets convinced more to stuff when I co-operated " Karen said.

"It's okay mommy, I saw how he was with you." Kierra told her mother.

"Will J Drew be coming with your father?" Karen asked and Kierra nodded.

"I just want to apologize to my daughter, I did and said terrible things to her. " Karen said crying.

"Don't worry Mommy Khloe is fine... Daddy said you guys named her Khloe. " Kierra said and Karen smiled.

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