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Khloe stared at the gun and contemplated taking it, everyone froze for a moment not knowing what to do as Trisha was laid out on the floor... unconscious then Khoe put the lumber down and she hurriedly took the gun.

She held the gun in her hands as Jordan waited in anticipation to see what she was going to do and Khloe pointed it at him .

"Princess... wait a minute. " Jordan warned.

"Mom, let's go!" Khloe said looking at Jordan but talking to her mother and Karen looked at Jordan also nervously.

"You're not taking her away from me... Karen's not going anywhere " Jordan said.

"Mom!" Khloe yelled and Karen just kept looking at Jordan.

"What is wrong with you!" Khloe yelled at her mother, tears were threatening to fall from her eyes... this wasn't her mother.

"Karen... Karen look at me, it's Khloe! " Khloe said, she didn't know what to try or what to do.

"It's not going to work princess." Jordan chimed in.

"Mommy... Mommy please." Khloe begged.

"What did you do to my mom?" Khloe asked hurt.

"I did nothing, your mom loves me she's going to stay with me here so I suggest you calm down because it seems like we're all going to be reunited as one big happy family." Jordan said slowly approaching Khloe.

"You're sick! You're sick in the head! I will never be your family!" Khloe said and a tear fell from her left eye.

"Alexis Jordan, give me the gun" Jordan said walking towards her.

"Do you fuckin hear when spoken to? My name is KHLOE! I'm not Alexis, I'm not Jordan and I am certainly not a Kelly!" Khloe yelled at him.

"Stop saying that shit, you're my daughter!" Jordan spat

"I might have your DNA coursing through my body but I will never be your daughter! I have a father, you're not even half the father that he is..." Khloe said

"Shut up Alexis! " Jordan yelled.

"Drew is my dad, he's the one that took care of me and loved me more than you ever will even if you were to spend 3 more eterneties existing your love will never measure to what he has for me!" Khloe yelled and Jordan felt his water boil.

"Shut up Alexis I swear to God!" Jordan said.

"I am a Sheard, and I will never be anything other than my father's daughter you are nothing but a sperm donor forcing your seat a bank that you aren't even wanted in because you're so contaminated with venom and hate and-" Khloe said and Jordan slapped her using the man power he had on his little girl, a gunshot was heard but he was only grazed a little bit on his arm and her glasses fell from her face as she fell to the ground.

She quickly got up and tried to run out of the basement as Jordan looked at his arm and he saw her trying to run. Karen on the other hand was startled , she saw Jordan drag the little girl back down with her feet and she screamed, filling the room with loud piercing screams Karen moved into a corner.

Jordan turned Khloe around and he got on top of her and he hit her.

"Karen help!" Khloe cried.

"MOM!" she said m

"MOM!!" Khloe cried out yelling kicking and screaming and Karen didn't look at them hearing Jordan cuss into the hits.

"MOMMY!!!" Khloe yelled once more as she cried her eyes out and something rang in Karen's ear, it was the cries of an infant baby and they were extremely loud and she couldn't handle it as she quickly covered her ears and she was frantic .

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