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It was now in the current years. (the previous years were like 2009-2010).

"Khali stop hitting on your brother now. Go hit Khloe since you wanna act all tough. " Karen scolded.

"But nana, Jacob does things and acts all innocent when you show up. " Khali whined.

"Then you come to me when he acts up so I can do the hitting and scolding." Karen said , she was making lunch in her kitchen and all she thought was that she was getting too old for all these kids in her house... she was already too old.

"See? I can't even do nothing!" Jacob said .

"Khali go to Khloe please and leave Jacob alone." Karen said.

"Khloe doesn't have time for me nana , she be doing her own stuff or just be sitting in silence and doing nothing." Khali whined .

"Well go sit with her in her silence and do nothing with her ma'am, I'm trying to make ya'll some food. " Karen said.

"Actually go tell Khloe to come help me so you all can be in the same room and bond." Karen said.

Her daughter was a strange one in a way, she was shy and she always wanted to be alone. She only showed her silliness when she wanted to or when Drew and Karen were around the house because she felt most comfortable with them... with Kierra and J Drew also but not all the time. The rest of the family she was warm to them but not to a full effect.

"Khloe Drew why you keep locking yourself in your room even when Khali and Jacob are around? I keep telling you to stop that." Karen said to her daughter who was coming in with Khali running behind her.

"Khali is just hyper all the time mommy and Jacob... he's just- he's just annoying ." Khloe said pushing Jacob's head back and Khali laughed .

"They know where to find me when they want me , right Khali?" Khloe said putting her hand around Khali and Khali nodded.

"Please come help me make lunch for ya'll." Karen said.

"You getting old mommy?" Khloe asked laughing.

"I'll hit you with this lettuce in your face Khloe. " Karen said and Khloe walked up to her and started helping out.

"I want to get into swimming but my mom says I already have to much activities going on." Khali said.

"You shouldn't get into swimming " Jacob said in the background.

"Nobody talking to you!" Khloe said back at Jacob.

"Well what do you see yourself cutting off Khali? You can't do every single thing... you gotta rest. " Khloe told her almost 9 year old niece .

"I don't know, I want them all " Khali said.

And Karen kept thinking about how far she and Khloe had come... she had the best relationship with her daughter and she was grateful to see her grow up, Khloe was now 13 and her birthday was coming up. She already acted like a mature young girl especially for her age and she figured it was cause she was raised by such grown parents .

"Your nana is in her own world Khali... she gets like that. " Karen heard Khloe say.

"What? What are ya'll saying?" Karen asked.

"Khali asked what should she take out out of her extra curricular activities and hobbies nana" Jacob yelled again cutting into the conversation .

"Oh... the one you like least baby." Karen said.

"I like them all! " Khali said

"Come on... let's face time Kierra, she'll tell you exactly what to cut out... I just don't want to hurt your feelings." Khloe said taking Khali upstairs.

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