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It had been a few weeks since Khloe came back home and everything was going smoothly, except Khloe kept calling Karen by her name which she would correct everytime and never get tired of correcting. She knew Khloe was messing with her because her husband would tell her that she calls her mommy when she talks about her.

The police told them that they would inform the TTPS about the situation with Jordan and they've been looking for him apparently and that would be all they were told as updates.

Khloe was back in school and they were adjusting again to having their little girl home, which meant more children because the grandkids also started coming around more often which Karen couldn't complain about really, she secretly loved it.

People in the church would talk about them of course and the whereabouts of Khloe and how she suddenly pitched but Karen didn't care , she didn't care about the media or the church, she had her family and she told every secret in her life and she was finally free.

But she did notice a change in Khloe, after all she knew her daughter and the year she spent away from her didn't, couldn't take that away from her but like before Khloe would discard talks about Trinidad, she didn't want to talk about it.

Khloe got into her room after her shower with a towel wrapped around her, she got in her room and connected her speaker then took the towel off and started lotion in herself, with her music playing loudly over the speakers

"Khloe I need your help..." Karen said and Khloe didn't answer.

She opened the door and got inside and saw Khloe naked putting on her lotion which didn't surprise her, it was her daughter she has seen her naked multiple times, what surprised her was the scars and bruise marks on her body.

Khloe turned around fetching something and was startled by her mother standing there.

"Jesus Karen you scared me." Khloe said and quickly took her gown to cover herself.

"Khloe Drew what happened to your body? " Karen asked her.

"Nothing ,why would you barge into my room like that?" Khloe asked as she paused her music.

"DREWWWW!!!!" Karen called .

"No please don't. " Khloe asked.

"Maybe you'll be respectful to him... HONEY!!!!" Karen yelled out the door.

"Coming!" Drew said walking up the stairs.

"What's going on honey?" Drew said and Karen pointed out to Khloe.

"Get your daughter Drew." Karen said.

"What do you mean?" Drew asked.

"She was touched." Karen said bluntly and Drew got really worried.

"Mommy , I wasn't touched. " Khloe said.

"I'm mommy now? I'm mommy now Khloe? You couldn't tell me that something happened to you? I knew... I knew something was wrong and I didn't want to push it, but abuse Khloe?" Karen asked.

Her children and grandchildren being abused was her greatest fear, she raised Khloe to speak up to her no matter what and she didn't tell her it was like she wasn't even planning on telling her.

"It wasn't a big deal ." Khloe said and Drew looked over between them worried about what was happening .

"Wasn't a big deal? Take it off!" Karen said.

"What!? " Khloe asked.

"Take that robe off and show your father the little deal. " Karen said.

"No, I'm not taking it off. " Khloe said.

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