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"Drew come on... " Karen whined.

"Karen I said no! Not today not until you go get some help!" Drew said to his wife he was trying so hard to not give into his wife's requests.

"Drew I am naked! Are you rejecting me?!" Karen asked .

"Karen you can't keep using sex to numb your pain!" Drew yelled snapping at her... she has been trying to convince him to have sex with her for an hour now and she couldn't take the rejection.

"I'm not Drew, I just want to make love to my husband. " Karen said.

"No Karen you want me to fuck you to sleep so you can forget your pain. " Drew said.

"It's been a year Karen, you need to do something about this because sex is not it." Drew told her and Karen just looked at him.

"Drew if you won't do it I'll go and find someone who will. " Karen said picking up her clothes and getting dressed.

"What do you think you're doing? "  Drew asked her.

"I'm leaving Drew, you haven't touched me in 3 weeks giving me the same bullshit about my pain... what do you know about my pain Drew? What pain am I in? " Karen asked him.

"We don't know Karen , you don't tell nobody!" Drew exclaimed.

"Drew I'm Fine!!!!!! I am okay , I just want you to fuck me and I'll be better! But you won't so get out of my way! " Karen yelled.

"Where are you going Karen!? " Drew asked her.

"I'm going to get some sex Drew. " Karen said.

"Karen if you leave this house you should never come back here again!" Drew said and Karen gave him a betrayal look.

"FINE! Watch me leave Drew and "never come back" ! " Karen yelled.

She quickly went upstairs and took out multiple bags to pack her things she went into Khloe's room and took all her pictures from there and put them in one of her bags and got every bag one at a time in her car taking as much as she can.

"Karen, just think about this. " Drew said warning her.

"You kicked me out!" Karen yelled.

"Karen you were going to cheat on me!" Drew yelled back.

"Like you didn't cheat Drew, I was threatening you... it was a threat!" Karen yelled at him.

"Karen I didn't cheat on you! And why can't me saying don't come back be a threat? "  He asked.

"Admit it Drew, you hate me. You see all this as my fault and that's fine but I'm not going to sit in a house where I'm not wanted where you feel pity for me. Poor Karen who used to be such a good person... poor Karen who used to be such an elegant and good first lady, poor Karen who's life turned upside down... I won't have that from my so called husband. " Karen said.

"Karen I lost a child also. " Drew said

"And I never took it out on you Drew , the only thing that hurts more is that you took it out on me... you took it out on me and I took it because I felt like it was my fault. For months you blamed me but you were comforting me in front of my face. " Karen said pointing a finger at him while crying.

"Karen I knew it was wrong to blame you- " Drew said .

"Shut up Drew... you've had months to talk, you've had months to tell me how useless I am, how weak I am, how all this is my fault, yelling at me snapping at me when I tried to help when you weren't handling it well but when I'm down of which I got low because of you! Because you wouldn't-" Karen cried out

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