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"Karen this is like the fifth time you get in late, what's up with you?" Jacky asked , she wasn't mad about it nor did she have a problem with it but she was being really nosy about where Karen has been going. 

"Nothing Jacky I just go to clear my head a bit." Karen said lying .

"Clearing your head Karen? " Jacky asked her and Karen said yes.

"Now I know you lying... where have you been?" Jacky asked again.

"See Jacky? Why you actin like you momma?" Karen said jokingly.

"Karen are you seeing someone?" Jacky asked.

"Now why would you think that?" Karen asked her sister knowing very well that she was seeing someone just that that someone was her husband and she wasn't ready to tell her sisters that they were trying to fix things.

"Karen you got more cheery everyday after you got here, you go out all dressed up and you come back around these times when you do." Jacky said and saw Karen blush.

"I'm treating myself Jacky... but honestly I'm sorry for coming in and out of your house, I promise I'll be out in a few weeks." Karen said to her sister.

" Karen I don't have an issue with the time you come back in... I'm just grateful that you do come back. You're a grown woman you can come back anytime and live here for as long as you want." Jacky responded

"So you're just being nosy?" Karen asked jokingly.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" Jacky asked her baby sister.

"I am seeing someone Jacky..." Karen said confidently

Her and Drew had been going out almost every other time that they could, they didn't go out usually at night because every time they would she would come back late, and she also didn't want to end up having sex with him.

Drew was being the perfect gentleman he bought her flowers, got her gifts, opened the doors for her and listened to her... actually listened to her. It was like they were getting to know each other all over again. Their time for the daytime dates were going to be limited though since Drew was going back to the church and would take up his role again and Karen was proud of him. It finally felt like things would be okay, and when Khloe gets back she wouldn't find everything crumbled.

"Karen who are you seeing so early? You're not even divorced." Jacky said.

"A man from the church asked me out a few months ago." Karen said .

"I'm gonna tell all your sisters, they should come here and talk to your man-crazy self.  Karen we're all hoping you and Drew fix your stuff... we see how ya'll be looking at each other in church." Jacky let out not knowing the man her sister was sneaking with was actually her husband.

"Jacky relax... the man I'm seeing is Drew." Karen let out with a laugh.

"Huh?" Jacky asked confused.

"We've been going on dates trying to fix stuff." Karen said and Jacky hit her arm playfully.

"Girl you almost had me scared, I was about to say I don't want another brother in law unless it's Bishop Sheard!" Jacky yelled 

"I honestly don't want another man if it's not John." Karen said.

"Good!!" Jacky said and both women laughed

Drew on the other hand was very happy that he was finally getting along with his wife, he desperately wanted her to move back into  the house but he didn't want to rush her or make her feel rushed. He didn't want her for sex or anything even though he would love that, he just wanted to wake up with her around and feel her presence in their house.

The couple of months where Karen wasn't home he indeed did feel the difference and he didn't like what he felt he had lived with Karen the majority of his life and he didn't want to spend more time away from her, that was his rock, his rib he wasn't whole without her.

"Hey baby."Drew said as he opened the car door so Karen could get in, they were having a late night date cause he was out during the day and he had to see her before she left , she had an event to go to and would come back after 2 or 3 days.

"Hi honey, thank you." Karen said as she got into the car.

"You look beautiful, you're so gorgeous honey. " Drew said and kissed her cheek after getting in the car himself.

"You look handsome yourself baby . " Karen said.

"Thank you. " Drew said and he continued driving to their date.

They got into the restaurant and Drew pulled a seat for Karen after they showed them their table and she sat down. Drew also sat down and he looked over his beautiful wife.

"I told Jacky about us." Karen said .

"Oh yeah? What did she think? " Drew asked.

"Well, she was like 'I don't want no other brother in law but Drew' when she thought I was seeing someone else. " Karen mocked and Drew laughed at her.

"I can hear her saying it like that." Drew said at his crazy wife.

"She's crazy." Karen said.

"Well baby, we do belong together... you're not slipping away from me no way." Drew said to her and Karen rolled her eyes.

"Your head is getting too big John Drew Sheard. " Karen said to him.

They sat there and ate their food enjoying their night having wonderful conversations until it was time for them to end the night which Drew didn't want to end.

"Baby, let's go home... you can sleep in the guest room or I can." Drew said begging his wife to go with him.

"Drew it's too early for all that." Karen said chuckling at how impatient Drew was.

"Karen I'm not going to do anything to you, I'm not talking about sex." Drew said.

"I just want your presence ." Drew said to her and Karen thought he was sweet.

"Oh you sweet man, it's not about what you will do to me... it's about what I will do. I don't want to lose my self control." Karen said .

"I won't let you lose it baby." Drew said and Karen laughed at him.

"Drew I can get very very persuasive ." Karen said and she got closer to him and kissed him.

"There's no way you'll be stopping from getting that, and I want you right but I'm going to get out this car fore' I do anything stupid. " Karen said.

"I wouldn't mind that type of stupid. " Drew said.

"Of course you wouldn't. " Karen said and she quickly opened her own door to get out the car.

"I love you honey. " Drew said .

"I love you too baby, goodnight ." Karen said and she walked away.

Drew watched her as she safely got inside her sisters house and he drove off. He had to wait another 3 or 2 days to see his wife again and he wasn't too happy about it since she wouldn't spend the night at their own house.

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