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"I can't keep you safe, but I can keep you warm." 

Three months had passed and Drew was nowhere to be found and everyone was looking for him from the people at church, the police , J Drew's friends but he was nowhere and Karen was in a depressive state.

Kierra didn't know about her and Jordan and Jordan would keep coming to Karen even in the difficult time she was having. She was once again pregnant and Jordan caught on it really quickly and threatened her that she should keep his baby safe and if anything happens to this one he would kill Ki for real. That Ki was saved by her father's disappearance.

Her sisters would be with her during the difficult time and she didn't know how to talk about what was going on with them. They would force her to go to church every now and then which she did, she swore that she has never prayed so hard in her life. For the safety of her husband , the safety of her daughter at this point she didn't even care about herself. She just wanted her family to be okay.

Karen was sitting in her house after she just took a bath and ate she got into her bed and tried to fall asleep without crying this time. She heard the door downstairs close and Karen quickly got out of bed and went downstairs going to check who it was.

"DREW" Karen said running to hug him.

"Hey baby. " Drew said hugging her back and Karen pushed Drew away and started pushing him aggressively.

"Why would you do that to me!!?" Karen cried still hitting his shoulders.

"Karen stop, stop , I'm sorry , I'm sorry okay " Drew said pulling a fighting Karen in a tighter hug.

"Drew you left me. " Karen cried out.

"I needed you and you left me. "

"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry " Drew said crying along with his wife.

He regretted leaving the way he did but in his leaving he just couldn't put two and two together with Karen and Jordan, he knew his wife would never cheat on him or even hurt Kierra it just took him a while to convince himself to come back and forgive Karen. Even when he didn't know what he was forgiving but he knew Karen would never do that to their family .

"Drew do you forgive me? " Karen asked still in her husband's arms.

"I do, I forgive you Karen but-" Drew said before Karen cut him off and pulled him into a kiss.

She kissed him like she's been longing him for years and they ended up getting on the very floor they were at.

"Karen we can't solve things this way. " Drew said .

"I want you to make me feel good. " Karen said.

"You won't hurt me will you? " Karen asked Drew.

"What do you mean Karen I'll never hurt you. " Drew said.

"Karen are you pregnant? " Drew asked looking at the line and how her body changed.

"Drew. " Karen said

"Did you sleep with him again while I was away?" Drew asked Karen

"I'm 3 months along . " Karen said in her raspy voice.

"Wow " Drew said putting his clothes back on and Karen did the same.

"I'm going to sleep. " Drew said.

"Drew we have to talk about this. " Karen said to him

"Will you tell me the truth? " Drew asked her and she put her head down.

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