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Karen being back again in the tiny room was like the last straw for her to lose her mind, Jordan didn't keep his promise when he said that he would let her out at night to the basement, she rarely heard from him except when he would give her food once a day or he wouldn't come at all.

He would explain to her that his wife wouldn't keep him out of her sight and she was always with him but Karen didn't even care... she just wanted to die, she did see Jordan trying to give her food as a favour to her but she also just wanted to cease in existence.

"I miss my daughter. "Jordan said cuddling up with his wife in bed.

"Oh baby... I miss her too honestly. " Trisha said.

"I have been trying to come up with ways to get her but if her mom told her some stuff about me then she probably wouldn't want anything to do with me." Jordan said to her.

"David, what did happen between you and her mother? I mean Alexis just immediately blocked you the same week and you never heard from her again. " Trisha asked.

"I told you before honey, we just had an affair... she was married to a bishop and had an affair with me but then we fell in love and things got messy." Jordan said lying through his teeth.

"But then why wouldn't she want you to see Alexis if it was love?" Trisha asked.

"It's a lot that went down and then love turned into hate, she didn't want her husband to find the truth. " Jordan said.

"But David, Alexis looks just like you there's no way he would think that he is her father right? " Trisha asked.

"I don't know baby, that is between them  as a couple really, I just know that she is my daughter and I want her with me." Jordan said.

"Well, I can help you get her if you want." Trisha said rubbing on his stomach.

"What do you mean baby?" Jordan  asked.

"I can help you bring her here... I can use my relationship with her. " Trisha said.

"No baby, trust me she wouldn't want to be here or talk to me no way. " Jordan said.

"Why are you so sure? You didn't do anything wrong baby, Alexis loves you. " Trisha said not knowing the full story of what happened .

"Yeah but she hates me now." Jordan said.

"It's been a year, I'm sure she has calmed down." Trisha said, even though she didn't like the kid she knew that she was a sucker for her husband, she knew deep down that she could never fully make him happy and it helped in Trinidad having Khloe around because then it didn't feel like he was thinking about leaving her and she needed him.

"Okay baby, you can try to bring her here so I can talk to her. " Jordan said and kissed her on the forehead and she smiled as he held her and they fell asleep.

Trisha spent her day time searching for Khloe after Jordan told her where they lived the last time, it was in the same city but very far away from where Jordan's great grandparent's house was in the woods which they stayed in because the house was isolated, like in the woods.

She found where she went to school luckily and she would stalk her to see who would pick her up... she would literally do anything to make her husband happy and if getting Alexis was what he wanted, Alexis was what he was going to get. She watched as she was dropped off at school and she quickly got out of the car and ran to her.

"Alexis!" Trisha yelled walking behind her but Khloe didn't even budge, she didn't think anyone would call her that especially here.

"Alexis Jordan Kelly! " Trisha yelled again and Khloe finally looked back and saw her evil stepmother.

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