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"Hey" He smiled faintly

Irene looked at him in shock before storming down the stairs, approaching Isaac and slapping him hard across the face, shocking both the guys. She took a deep breathe before hugging him "That's for leaving without saying anything"

"I'm sorry..." He sighed before turning to Derek, finishing the conversation they were having before Irene walked in "You know, I'm starting not to like this idea. Sounds kinda dangerous... You know what? I definitely don't like this idea, and I definitely don't like him..."

"Like who?" Irene asked

"You'll be fine" Derek sighed, reading a book. Irene walked over to the table and sat on the edge, resting her arm on Derek's shoulder as she looked at the book he was reading, ignoring the glare she got from him

"Don't glare at me, mister" Irene whispered before looking back at the book's contents

"Does it have to be him?" Isaac whined which made Derek just look at him blankly

"He knows how to do it. I don't. It'd be more dangerous if I tried doing it myself" Derek told him

"You know Scott doesn't trust him, right? You know, personally, I'd...Well, I'd trust Scott"

"Do you trust me?" Derek asked, looking up at Isaac

"...Yeah. I still don't like him" Isaac sighed. Irene was still curious as to who the hell they were on about so she just continued reading the book in Derek's hands, putting her hand on his to move his fingers that were covering the words she was reading

"Nobody likes him," Derek mumbled in agreement. Suddenly the heavy door to the loft began to slide open which made everybody look up. Irene noticed an annoyed look on Derek's face and when she saw the man she realized why that was

"Boys..." Peter began "FYI? Yes, coming back from the dead has left my abilities slightly impaired... but, the hearing still works. So, I hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is that you're feeling straight to my face"

"We don't like you" Derek sighed, closing the book and slamming it on the table as he stood up "Now shut up and help us"

"Fair enough" Peter shrugged before looking at Irene with a softer look

"Hey Peter" She sighed, giving a faint wave, her lips pressed into an awkward smile

Peter then gestured for Isaac to sit down in the chair while Derek sat on the coffee table off to the side, Irene sitting beside him, leaning forwards as her eyes landed on Peter, her eyes squinting as she focused on what he was doing

"Relax. I'll get more out of you if you're calm" Peter said as he walked behind Isaac

"How do you know how to do this, again?"

"It's an ancient ritual used mostly by Alphas, since it's a skill that requires quite a bit of practice. One slip, and you could paralyze someone...Or kill them" He said, his claws hovering over the back of Isaac's neck

"You... You've had a lot of practice, though, right?" Isaac asked, looking over his shoulder

"Well, I've never paralyzed anyone"

"...Wait, does that mean that you-" Isaac began to ask when Peter suddenly dug his claws into Isaac's neck. Irene tensed up and felt herself clutching tightly onto Derek's arm, maybe a bit too tightly as he gently tapped her hand

"Wait, I see them-" Peter said as he began to breathe heavily, his eyes blinking unusually fast as his eyes darted around. Irene was wondering what he was seeing. All of a sudden Peter pulled back, slamming his hand into the table and Irene rushed over to Isaac, looking at the back of his neck before looking to Peter, concern in her eyes

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now