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" ...I've seen worse," Scott said optimistically.

Coach had made the decision to pull into a nearby motel. It looked pretty crappy and run down but they would only be there for the night so it would have to do. But Irene couldn't help being creeped out by the place

"Where the hell have you seen worse?" Irene raised a brow at Scott "This looks right out of a horror movie"

"Yeah-" Stiles agreed

"Listen up! The meet's been pushed 'til tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves! You'll be pairing up- choose wisely. And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants! Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!" Coach yelled as the students began to pick their keys.

"Lydia...?" Allison paused, looking at the girl who stood frozen

"I don't like this place..." She mumbled

"I don't think the people who own this place like this place" Allison laughed, trying to lighten the mood "It's just for a night"

"Yeah, Lydia. It'll be fine" Irene smiled before grabbing a key and heading off with Scott and Stiles. She sure as hell wasn't spending a whole night in the same room as Allison.

Irene led Scott and Stiles towards their room. There was an odd number of students so there had to be one room of three and Irene didn't mind sharing with the guys. They practically had sleepovers every weekend when they were kids

"So about this Darach thing-"

"How many do you have?" Irene said, raising a brow to Stiles as she sat on the end of the bed beside Scott while Stiles sat on the other

"All right, so I have four"

"You have four suspects?" Scott asked in disbelief, meanwhile Irene was surprised he didn't have more. Stiles was the detective of the group and loved to come up with crazy theories while Irene looked for the facts and clues that were already there.

"Yeah, it was originally ten. Well, nine, technically, I guess... I had Derek on there twice" Stiles shrugged

"What is with you guys and Derek?" Irene rolled her eyes as she looked up at Stiles

"So, who's number one? Harris?" Scott asked

"Just because he's missing, doesn't mean he's dead" Stiles nodded. Irene still wasn't completely sure about Mr Harris. He could just be another victim like the others

"So, if he's not dead, our chemistry teacher is out secretly committing human sacrifices...?" Irene asked him

"Yeah, I guess that just sounded way better in my head" Stiles mumbled

"Well, what if it's someone else from school? Like, you remember Matt? We didn't know that he was killing people" Scott said

"Excuse me?" Stiles sat up in offense, a look of shock on his face "I'm sorry, what? I- Yes, we did! I called that from day one, actually"

"Yeah, but we never really thought that it was Matt..."

"Oh yeah the nice guy who held a gun to my head" Irene said sarcastically "He was suspicious the whole time. Especially that weird infatuation he had with Allison" She shuddered "He was creepy"

"I was serious!" Stiles scoffed "I was quite serious, actually! Deadly serious! No one listened to me!"

"Who were the other three?" Scott asked

"Derek's sister, Cora." Stiles said as he stood up, slightly pacing back and forth

"Are you going through the family tree or something? Why Cora?" Irene asked, sitting back up

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