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"Irene! Can you get the door, I'm busy cooking"

"Got it!" Irene replied from her room before making her way downstairs to open the front door but froze when she saw who was on the other side, tears forming in her eyes as she looked at the person standing in front of her. Was this real?



"It's me" He said softly, holding his arms out

Irene squealed and ran at him, jumping on him in a tight hug, crying into his shoulder as Derek held her in his arms, her feet above the ground before he gently put her back down, his hands never leaving her waist. Derek never broke the hug first

After a while Irene took a deep breath and finally let go of him, looking up at him with a tearful smile. She was so glad that he was ok

"Don't cry" He whispered softly, lightly rubbing his thumb across her cheek to wipe her tears away

"I thought you were- I saw you- You went over the- But- How?" She stammered. She had so many questions but she didn't know which one to ask first "How did you even survive?"

"I'm not sure... But I did" He replied

"I'm just glad you're ok" Irene smiled before looking over her shoulder inside her house when she heard her dad yelling from the kitchen

"Who is it!" Her dad called from the kitchen

"No one! I think you're hearing things" She called back before looking at where Derek was to see him gone.

She looked around for a second before smiling and walking back inside, closing the door and resting against it for a moment. He was back. And that was all that mattered now. Irene pushed off of the door and walked into the kitchen, looking at her Dad with a giggle when she saw him with her pink strawberry apron on

"You might want to get your ears checked, Dad. And what the hell are you wearing"

"Isn't it cute?" He said as he did a little pose which made Irene shake her head and laugh at his silliness "And my hearing is perfectly fine, thank you, Dove"

"deaf man says what?" She mumbled


"GOTCHA!" She gasped, pointing at him which earned her a light tap on her shoulder from her dad before walking beside him to give him a side hug as she watched him cook "What you cooking?"

"Thought I would cook you some spaghetti. You used to love it, right?"

"I still love your cooking" She smiled before grabbing them something to drink "I missed you, Dad"

"I missed you too, Dove"


"Guys....GUYS!" Melissa yelled.

Irene woke up with a surprised squeak, falling off the chair in the corner of Melissa's bedroom, landing on Isaac who let out a groan, shoving her off of him and standing up. She gave an awkward smile and stood up, looking at Melissa

"What the hell are you guys doing?" She sighed, shaking her head

"We wanted to make sure you weren't the third sacrifice" Scott stood up from the floor

"But you were all asleep?" She tilted her head

The three teenagers all looked at one another, giving each other a slight glare. They each promised to take turns watching over Melissa last night. Irene sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now