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"Now this is a party!"

Irene yelled over the music, nodding her head in approval as she saw the loft filled with people dancing in the dark, glowing paint on their bodies and black light all over the place. She decided to split off from her friends before making her way into the crowd

Eventually Irene bumped into someone, noticing the green paint decorating their muscled torso. She looked up and was met with a friendly smile

"You made it!" He smiled

"Yeah. This place looks great! Cool paint"

"Thanks. Hey, have you seen Ethan around?" Aiden asked

"No. I just got here. Come on, I'll help you look for him" Irene said, grabbing onto his hand and pulling him through the crowd of people but she didn't realize that she passed Isaac and Allison who watched them walk off together with a look of shock.

Danny ended up helping in the search for Ethan as he hadn't seen him either. It didn't take long before they found their way to the balcony and noticed someone laying on the floor shaking but it wasn't Ethan

"Lydia!" Irene gasped, rushing to the girl and looking at Aiden with worry "She's ice cold"

Aiden picked Lydia up bridal style and rushed back inside, placing her near a heater as Danny rushed to find a blanket to put over her to keep her warm.

Suddenly the music stopped and a familiar voice yelled at everyone to get out. Aiden asked Danny to take Lydia home as he and Irene rushed into the middle of the room once it was cleared out

"D-Derek?" Irene mumbled in shock

She stood there for a moment before walking closer towards Derek but to everyone's shock she slapped him hard across the face, watching his head turn to the side from the impact. She took a deep breath and stepped back when suddenly someone yelled

"Irene behind you!" Aiden yelled at her

Irene slowly looked over her shoulder and turned her body but was suddenly grabbed by a masked figure and in a few seconds she felt her body going numb and freezing cold. When they let go of her her body fell towards the floor, shaking from the sudden drop in her body's temperature

"Someone do something!" Allison yelled

By now Ethan had rushed to Irene's side, pulling her into his lap and wrapping his arms around her in an attempt to keep her body warm, although his body heat wasn't enough

Isaac stepped forward to attack one of the many masked figures that had appeared but when they pulled a sword from their chest he stepped back. It had materialized out of thin air. They then moved towards Aiden, holding his face until he fell to the floor, the same way Irene did.

Irene noticed them moving onto Scott. However as soon as the sun began to flood the room, those weird shadow warrior things vanished in clouds of black smoke as soon as it touched them before they could reach Scott, leaving everyone stunned

"Someone get me a damn blanket!" Ethan yelled for both Irene and his brother

Derek finally snapped out of it and bent down, removing him jacket and wrapping it around Irene before picking her up into his arms, looking at Ethan with an untrusting glare, growling at him

"N-no.... T-They help. I t-trust" Irene whispered through chattering teeth

"What's this five behind his ear?" Ethan asked as he looked at his brother's head

"You've got one too" Derek said to Irene

"What the hell were those things?" Scott asked

Irene didn't care who or what those creepy things were. She hadn't felt that helpless in a while and she hated how it made her feel. She felt so useless. She just stood there with her life in its hands. And they didn't know what their intentions were

I waited for you || Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now