Red Lobster.
A restaurant that offers a variety of seafood, steak, maybe some chicken here and there, and alcoholic beverages, accompanied with cheddar biscuits.
That is where the beginning of our story takes place today.
The group of six, including Bakugou, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Shinsou, and Ashido, walked through the doors and into the foyer. Almost immediately, Denki dragged his boyfriend to the tank of lobsters. "Toshi, look! They're lobsters! I didn't know Red Lobster had pet lobsters! Is it, like, their mascots right here?" He asked, which made the other five teenagers share a look.
"I'm gonna tell him." Kat said with a smug grin, to which Eijirou clasped a hand over his pretty mouth immediately. "Don't you dare." He whispered, dropping his hand with a disgusted face when Kat licked his palm.
Hanta, who had grabbed Mina's hand in his own and laced their fingers, spoke in his Colombian accent. It wasn't as rich and thick as it would've been if he was raised there, but he got it from his mother, so it was still there. It was thicker on specific words, or if he was sleepy. "They aren't pets, Kami." He said, getting a nudge by his pink girlfriend.
He looked at her and tilted his head like a puppy when she shook her head. "What?" He whispered, and then Denki spoke before Mina could. "What do you mean? Why else would they have live lobsters in a tank in the foyer?" He asked obliviously. Hitoshi stood beside Denki, awkward and uncomfortable with the situation, and Mina nudged her Spanish boyfriend again, shaking her head. They did not like the energy created in the studio today. Hanta only raised an eyebrow at her and tilted his head to the opposite side.
"They cook them, Kami. Why do you keep nudging me?" He asked. The group grew silent. Kami looked away from the glass and to the silent group, seeing Mina look away from her boyfriend and the honey blonde. No one was making eye contact with Denki as he felt a lump form in his throat. "Wh... What...?" He asked quietly, looking around the group before he eyes landed on Katsuki. His best friend.
Sure, Hitoshi was also his best friend, but that was his boyfriend. He'd lie to spare his feelings. Kat was brutally honest, with emphasis on the brutal. Eijirou was one of his best friends, but he's too nice to tell him. Kat looked at Denki, and his cheeks turned pink at the sudden eye contact. He wasn't sure if he liked that he was the one Denki would rely on for the truth. "Kitty... Is that true?" He asked quietly, tears swimming in his eyes.
Kat stared at Denki and took a deep breath, suddenly glad that he wasn't the one to originally tell him. Kat grabbed Eijirou's hand to get the confidence to break the news, squeezing gently. Despite not being officially together, they'd been hardcore flirting for quite a bit now. There was actually a secret bet between Hanta and Mina, based on who'd get together first. ShinKami or Kiribaku. Hanta won that bet.
Kat's too prideful to admit he was in love with Eijirou, and Eijirou was too oblivious to notice the loving glances and "flirting" that Kat did.
He slowly nodded and squeezed Eijirou's hand again gently. "It's true, Denks... They cook them." He reiterated, frowning and looking down. "I'm sorry." He apologized, for what? For anything.
Hitoshi looked at his boyfriend and frowned when he saw the tears slip down his cheeks. "How many?" The lady who greet and seats customers finally came out, wrong place wrong time. "Um, six." Mina said quietly as Hitoshi hugged Denki gently and rubbed his back as the boy started to cry.
"T-They cook those poor lobsters?" He asked sadly, sniffling and burying his face in Hitoshi's chest.
Yeah, Denki stopped crying when Kat promised him that the lobsters lived their best party life after hours. That was about 10 minutes ago, and the waitress had finally brought the party of six their drinks. Denki and Katsuki had gotten strawberry lemonade, because they can't go one fucking day without their fruity drinks to reflect their fruity tendencies. Hanta had gotten a mango lemonade, Mina had gotten root bear, and Hitoshi got half and half (lemonade and tea), while Eijirou got a coke with much ice. He likes the crunch of the ice after he finished his drink, which always made Katsuki audibly cringe.

Kiribaku One Shots (and maybe some other ships)
FanfictionFreaking one shots I either think of, base off a comic, get requested, or base off other stories I've seen. UwU So this while book is either angst fluff or both so I'm not putting any trigger warnings so if you read, you read. If you dont, you dont...