Part 26

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"My father didn't loved me, so I assume no one else would either. Cause my fathers broke my hearts before any boy could."

Y/n's Pov:

I took the box and went inside, I already informed the guards what's in it

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I took the box and went inside, I already informed the guards what's in it. As I got inside Sun-hee looked at me in a confusion, I gave her a small smile and put the box on the ground, opening it a lil Pomeranian dog came out with his lil barks.

Sun-hee: Y-ye-Yeontan.

I shoot my head towards her, did she just spoke. I-i was too stunned to speak, i didn't thought that my plan would work. From her grandma I knew that her dog name was Yeontan, she was so attached to him more than her own family cause they were always busy, and his name was given by Taehyung.

 From her grandma I knew that her dog name was Yeontan, she was so attached to him more than her own family cause they were always busy, and his name was given by Taehyung

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The dog kept barking, I snapped from my thoughts and took him in my arms, when I brought him two days ago his colour was light cream/white. So I took him to dye his fur into cream and black colour, just like her dog used to be.

I also got to know that Yeontan died years ago trying to save Sun-hee, so I wanted this dog to look like real Yeontan. It might be not him, it might not be able to take place of Yeontan, but atleast he would cure her pain a lil.

I step forward towards her bed, as she forward her hands to carry him. I gave Yeontan to sun-hee from my arms, she smiled wide as he started to lick her face, but her smile didn't last long due to knock on the door. And there came a nurse, its time for her medicine. I sigh and took back Yeontan from her and put him on the ground so he can move freely and gets comfortable with the surroundings. 

The nurse changed her IV dripper and gave her the medicines, as Sun-hee don't eat or drink anything much. I looked towards the door as it opened again.

??: What is this dog doing here!?

As he bust in anger, we three flinched in fear and Yeontan started to bark loudly standing beside my leg. I gulp in fear and adjusted my mask and glasses, why is he here.

??: Guards!

Guard: Y-yes sir. (gulp)

??: Take that dog out of this room, and make sure to sanitize this room I don't even want a single fur of this dog.

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