Part 51

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"I can be mean as fuck. Sweet as candy. Cold as water. Evil as hell. Or loyal like a soldier. It all depends on you."

Author's Pov:

After the recess, the courtroom resumed, the air charged with anticipation

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After the recess, the courtroom resumed, the air charged with anticipation. Mr. Kang prepared to cross examine the witness. The judge nodded, signaling them to begin, Mr. Kang took a deep breath and asked.

Mr. Kang: Detective Hwang can you tell us what else did you found or seen at the crime scene.

Detective Hwang: Hmm..... broken glass in the kitchen, a chain in one of the bedroom and a broken chair in the basement.

Mr. Kang: As per you Detective Hwang there were no signs of forced entry in Jin-hyuk's mansion right.... And that Y/n must have willingly entered the mansion, but it might be also likely that she was forcefully brought there, and was tied with those chains, and she mush has used the glass and the chair in defense to protect herself.

Detective Hwang: Yes.... its possible.

Mr. Kang: As per the forensic reports, Lee Jin-hyuk had two wounds on his forehead that is said to be due to a forceful hitting. And my client Y/n admits that she hit Jin-hyuk once with the glass and the other time with the chair, in the process to run from the mansion. No more questions Detective Hwang, thankyou.

Now it was Mr. Kang's turn to present his side of witness. Mr. Kang called a psychologist who had evaluated you during the investigation.

Mr. Kang: Dr. Choi, can you describe the defendant's psychological state at the time of the incident?

Dr. Choi: The defendant exhibited symptoms consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). She had been living with severe emotional distress caused by her sister's and parents trauma, which was directly linked to Do-Hwan's and Jin-hyuk's actions. Her decision to act was impulsive and driven by this psychological turmoil.

Mr. Kang: Would you say her actions were premeditated or the result of emotional duress?

Dr. Choi: Emotional duress, without a doubt. Her actions were reactive, not calculated.

Mr. Kang: Dr. Choi, can you explain the nature of Jin-Hyuk's condition?

Dr. Choi: Jin-Hyuk suffered from dissociative identity disorder, which caused severe emotional and psychological distress. He often expressed feelings of guilt and fear of harming those close to him.

Mr. Kang: Thankyou, no further questions.

Mrs. Han rose up and fixed her coat and stood infront of Dr. Choi for cross examination.

Mrs. Han: In your professional opinion, could the defendant's actions or presence have influenced his decision to take his life?

Dr. Choi: It's possible. Jin-Hyuk's condition made him highly sensitive to external stressors. If he felt he was a burden to Y/N, it could have contributed to his decision.

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